.. _fsds_sparksql_example: GeoMesa FileSystem Data Store with Spark SQL ============================================ In this example we will ingest and query GDELT data using the GeoMesa FileSystem datastore backed by Amazon S3. The GeoMesa FileSystem Datastore provides an performant and cost-efficient solution for large SQL queries over datasets like GDELT using Amazon's Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) framework. Ingesting GDELT --------------- To begin, we spin up a few nodes with EMR and then use the AWS CLI to few the public GDELT buckets as instructed on the GDELT S3 page: https://aws.amazon.com/public-datasets/gdelt/ .. code-block:: bash aws s3 ls gdelt-open-data/events/ Files appear to be yearly, monthly, or daily CSV files based on the recency of the data. We'll use the built in GeoMesa GDELT SimpleFeatureType and converter to ingest a year or so of data: .. code-block:: bash tar xvf geomesa-fs_2.11-$VERSION.tar.gz . /etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh . /etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-env.sh export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf .. note:: We use a temp directory on EMR that utilizes HDFS as intermediate storage to speed up output of parquet files. This is recommended by many vendors including HortonWorks Data Platform. .. code-block:: bash bin/geomesa-fs ingest \ -e parquet --partition-scheme daily,z2-2bit -p s3a://ccri-data/tmp/hulbert/3 \ --temp-path hdfs:///tmp/geomesa/1 \ -C gdelt -s gdelt \ --num-reducers 60 s3a://gdelt-open-data/events/2017* Querying GDELT with Spark SQL ----------------------------- The GeoMesa FileSystem distribution includes a shaded Spark jar to be included with the ``--jars`` option of spark-shell. .. code-block:: bash $ ls dist/spark geomesa-fs-spark_2.11-$VERSION.jar geomesa-fs-spark-runtime_2.11-$VERSION.jar .. note:: The spark runtime for GeoMesa FileSystem Datastore shaded parquet 1.9.0 in order to provide dictionary query support. Spark 2.1.1 currently ships with the 1.8.x series of parquet. For example if you are using Amazon EMR with Spark 2.1.1 you can start up a shell with GeoMesa support like this: .. code-block:: bash . /etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh . /etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-env.sh export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf spark-shell --jars $GEOMESA_FS_HOME/dist/spark/geomesa-fs-spark-runtime_2.11-$VERSION.jar --driver-memory 3g This will create a new spark shell from which you can load a GeoMesa FileSystem datastore from S3 or HDFS. A common usage pattern is to keep parquet files in S3 so they can be elastically queried with EMR and Spark. For example if you have ingested GDELT data into S3 you can query it with SQL in the spark shell:: val dataFrame = spark.read .format("geomesa") .option("fs.path","s3a://mybucket/geomesa/datastore") .option("geomesa.feature", "gdelt") .load() dataFrame.createOrReplaceTempView("gdelt") // Select the top event codes spark.sql("SELECT eventCode, count(*) as count FROM gdelt " + "WHERE dtg >= '2017-06-01T00:00:00Z' AND dtg <= '2017-06-30T00:00:00Z' " + "GROUP BY eventcode ORDER by count DESC").show()