.. _accumulo_config_props: Accumulo Configuration ====================== This section details Accumulo specific configuration properties. For general properties, see :ref:`geomesa_site_xml`. Batch Writer Properties ----------------------- The following properties control the configuration of Accumulo ``BatchWriter``\ s. They map directly to the underlying ``BatchWriter`` methods. geomesa.batchwriter.latency +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The latency is defined as a duration, e.g. ``60 seconds`` or ``100 millis``. See the `Accumulo API`__ for details. __ https://accumulo.apache.org/1.9/apidocs/org/apache/accumulo/core/client/BatchWriterConfig.html#setMaxLatency(long,%20java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) geomesa.batchwriter.maxthreads ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Determines the max threads used for writing. See the `Accumulo API`__ for details. __ https://accumulo.apache.org/1.9/apidocs/org/apache/accumulo/core/client/BatchWriterConfig.html#setMaxWriteThreads(int) geomesa.batchwriter.memory ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The memory is defined in bytes, e.g. ``10mb`` or ``100kb``. See the `Accumulo API`__ for details. __ https://accumulo.apache.org/1.9/apidocs/org/apache/accumulo/core/client/BatchWriterConfig.html#setMaxMemory(long) geomesa.batchwriter.timeout.millis ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The timeout is defined as a duration, e.g. ``60 seconds`` or ``100 millis``. See the `Accumulo API`__ for details. __ https://accumulo.apache.org/1.9/apidocs/org/apache/accumulo/core/client/BatchWriterConfig.html#setTimeout(long,%20java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) Remote Processing Properties ---------------------------- The following properties control the push-down processing for certain queries to the Accumulo tablet servers, vs processing in the client. Enabling push-down processing can result in faster queries, but also puts additional load on the Accumulo cluster, which may negatively impact concurrent clients. See also `ref:accumulo_parameters` for configuring these properties directly in the data store parameters. geomesa.accumulo.remote.arrow.enable ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Enable processing Arrow encoding in Accumulo tablets servers as a distributed call, instead of encoding locally in the client. Default is ``true``. geomesa.accumulo.remote.bin.enable ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Enable processing binary encoding in Accumulo tablets servers as a distributed call, instead of encoding locally in the client. Default is ``true``. geomesa.accumulo.remote.density.enable ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Enable processing heatmap encoding in Accumulo tablets servers as a distributed call, instead of encoding locally in the client. Default is ``true``. geomesa.accumulo.remote.stats.enable ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Enable processing statistical calculations in Accumulo tablets servers as a distributed call, instead of encoding locally in the client. Default is ``true``. Map Reduce Input Splits Properties ---------------------------------- The following properties control the number of input splits for a map reduce job. See the `Accumulo User Manual`__ for details. __ https://accumulo.apache.org/1.9/accumulo_user_manual#_splitting geomesa.mapreduce.splits.max ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Set the absolute number of splits when configuring a mapper instead of allowing Accumulo to create a split for each range or basing it on the number of tablet servers. Setting this value overrides ``geomesa.mapreduce.splits.tserver.max``. geomesa.mapreduce.splits.tserver.max ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Set the max number of splits per tablet server when configuring a mapper. By default this value is calculated using Accumulo's ``AbstractInputFormat.getSplits`` method which creates a split for each range. In some scenarios this may create an undesirably large number of splits. This value is overwritten by ``geomesa.mapreduce.splits.max`` if it is set. Zookeeper Session Timeout ------------------------- instance.zookeeper.timeout ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Zookeeper timeout is defined in milliseconds, according to the Accumulo specification. See the `Accumulo User Manual`__ for details. __ https://accumulo.apache.org/1.9/accumulo_user_manual.html#_instance_zookeeper_timeout