Installing GeoMesa FileSystem ============================= .. note:: The examples below expect a version to be set in the environment: .. parsed-literal:: $ export TAG="|release_version|" $ export VERSION="|scala_binary_version|-${TAG}" # note: |scala_binary_version| is the Scala build version Installing from the Binary Distribution --------------------------------------- GeoMesa FileSystem artifacts are available for download or can be built from source. The easiest way to get started is to download the most recent binary version from `GitHub`__. __ Download and extract it somewhere convenient: .. code-block:: bash # download and unpackage the most recent distribution: $ wget "${TAG}/geomesa-fs_${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz" $ tar xvf geomesa-fs_${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz $ cd geomesa-fs_${VERSION} .. _fsds_install_source: Building from Source -------------------- GeoMesa FileSystem may also be built from source. For more information, refer to the instructions on `GitHub `__. The remainder of the instructions in this chapter assume the use of the binary GeoMesa distribution. If you have built from source, the distribution is created in the ``target`` directory of ``geomesa-fs/geomesa-fs-dist``. .. _setting_up_fsds_commandline: Setting up the FileSystem Command Line Tools -------------------------------------------- The FileSystem command line tools require Hadoop to run. If ``HADOOP_HOME`` is defined, or ``hadoop`` is available on the path, the tools will use the local Hadoop installation. Otherwise, when first run they will prompt to download the necessary JARs. Environment variables can be specified in ``conf/*`` and dependency versions can be specified in ``conf/``. Note that you will need the proper Yarn/Hadoop environment configured if you would like to run a distributed ingest job. If you are using a service such as Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) or have a distribution of Apache Hadoop, Cloudera, or Hortonworks installed you can likely run something like this to configure hadoop for the tools: .. code-block:: bash # These will be specific to your Hadoop environment $ . /etc/hadoop/conf/ $ . /etc/hadoop/conf/ $ export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf After installing the tarball you should be able to run the ``geomesa-fs`` command like this: .. code-block:: bash $ cd $GEOMESA_FS_HOME $ bin/geomesa-fs The output should look like this:: INFO Usage: geomesa-fs [command] [command options] Commands: ... .. _install_fsds_geoserver: Installing GeoMesa FileSystem in GeoServer ------------------------------------------ .. warning:: See :ref:`geoserver_versions` to ensure that GeoServer is compatible with your GeoMesa version. To install the GeoMesa data store, extract the contents of the ``geomesa-fs-gs-plugin_${VERSION}-install.tar.gz`` file in ``geomesa-fs_${VERSION}/dist/gs-plugins/`` in the binary distribution or ``geomesa-fs/geomesa-fs-gs-plugin/target/`` in the source distribution into your GeoServer's ``lib`` directory: .. code-block:: bash $ tar -xzvf \ geomesa-fs_${VERSION}/dist/gs-plugins/geomesa-fs-gs-plugin_${VERSION}-install.tar.gz \ -C /path/to/geoserver/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib Next, install the JARs for Hadoop. By default, JARs will be downloaded from Maven central. You may override this by setting the environment variable ``GEOMESA_MAVEN_URL``. If you do not have an internet connection you can download the JARs manually. Edit the file ``geomesa-fs_${VERSION}/conf/`` to set the version of Hadoop to match the target environment, and then run the script: .. code-block:: bash $ ./bin/ /path/to/geoserver/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib The FileSystem data store requires the configuration file ``core-site.xml`` to be on the classpath. This can be accomplished by placing the file in ``geoserver/WEB-INF/classes`` (you should make the directory if it doesn't exist). Utilizing a symbolic link will be useful here so any changes are reflected in GeoServer. .. code-block:: bash $ ln -s /path/to/core-site.xml /path/to/geoserver/WEB-INF/classes/core-site.xml Restart GeoServer after the JARs are installed. GeoMesa Process ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GeoMesa provides some WPS processes, such as ``geomesa:Density`` which is used to generate heat maps. In order to use these processes, install the GeoServer WPS plugin as described in :ref:`geomesa_process`.