GeoDocker: Bootstrapping GeoMesa Accumulo and Spark on AWS ========================================================== Getting started with spatio-temporal analysis with GeoMesa, Accumulo, and Spark on `Amazon Web Services`_ (AWS) is incredibly simple, thanks to the `Geodocker `_ project. The following guide describes how to bootstrap a GeoMesa Accumulo cluster using `Amazon ElasticMapReduce`_ (EMR) and `Docker`_ in order to ingest and query some sample data. This guide assumes you have an Amazon Web Services account already provisioned as well as an IAM key pair. To set up the AWS command line tools, follow the instructions found in the AWS `online documentation `_. .. _Amazon Web Services: .. _Amazon ElasticMapReduce: .. _Docker: Bootstrap an EMR cluster ------------------------ Use the following command to bootstrap an EMR cluster. You will need to change the ``KeyName`` to the IAM key pair you intend to use for this cluster. You can also edit the instance types to a size appropriate for your use case. Make sure you adjust the Accumulo cache configuration settings accordingly. For instance, if you use a high memory instance type, you will want to increase the ``TSERVER_XMX`` parameter which controls the amount of heap space allocated to the JVM running the Accumulo Tablet Server. Additionally, you should adjust the ``TSERVER_CACHE_DATA_SIZE`` and the ``TSERVER_CACHE_INDEX_SIZE`` to appropriate fractions of the ``TSERVER_XMX`` memory to take advantage of the increase in memory. .. note:: In the code below, ``$VERSION`` = |release| .. code-block:: shell $ aws emr create-cluster \ --name "GeoDocker GeoMesa" \ --release-label emr-5.2.0 \ --output text \ --use-default-roles \ --ec2-attributes KeyName=__KEY_NAME__ \ --applications Name=Hadoop Name=Zookeeper Name=Spark \ --instance-groups \ Name=Master,InstanceCount=1,InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceType=m3.xlarge \ Name=Workers,InstanceCount=3,InstanceGroupType=CORE,InstanceType=m3.xlarge \ --bootstrap-actions \ Name=BootstrapGeoMesa,Path=s3://geomesa-docker/,Args=\[-t=geomesa-$VERSION-accumulo-1.8.0,-n=gis,-p=secret,-e=TSERVER_XMX=10G,-e=TSERVER_CACHE_DATA_SIZE=6G,-e=TSERVER_CACHE_INDEX_SIZE=2G] After executing that command, you can monitor the state of the EMR bootstrap process by going to the `Management Console `_. Find the name (as specified in the ``aws emr`` command) of the cluster and click through to its details page. Under the **Hardware** section, you can find the master node and its IP address. Copy the IP address and then run the following command. .. code-block:: shell $ ssh -i /path/to/key ec2-user@ This should log you into the master node of the EMR cluster you just started. You can see a list of docker instances by running the following command: .. code-block:: shell $ sudo docker ps You should see output similar to the following: .. code-block:: shell CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 6a1ca1114c9b "tini -- start-notebo" 4 minutes ago Up 4 minutes jupyter e28e07dd20de "/opt/tomcat/bin/cata" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes geoserver 5f4ae17263db "/sbin/geomesa-entryp" 5 minutes ago Up 5 minutes accumulo-gc b389e8e45542 "/sbin/geomesa-entryp" 5 minutes ago Up 5 minutes accumulo-tracer 996327bf6a9f "/sbin/geomesa-entryp" 5 minutes ago Up 5 minutes accumulo-monitor 89738108b7a3 "/sbin/geomesa-entryp" 5 minutes ago Up 5 minutes accumulo-master Ingest Public GDELT data ------------------------ Make sure you leave enough time for the machine to be completely bootstrapped before running the command to find the docker instances. GeoMesa ships with predefined data models for many open spatio-temporal data sets such as GDELT. To ingest the most recent 7 days of `GDELT `_ from Amazon's public S3 bucket: .. code-block:: shell $ FILES=$(seq 7 -1 1 | xargs -n 1 -I{} sh -c "date -d'{} days ago' +%Y%m%d" | xargs -n 1 -I{} echo s3a://gdelt-open-data/events/{}.export.csv | tr '\n' ' ') $ sudo docker exec accumulo-master geomesa ingest -c geomesa.gdelt -C gdelt -f gdelt -s gdelt -u root -p secret $FILES You can then query the data using the GeoMesa command line export tool. .. code-block:: shell $ sudo docker exec accumulo-master geomesa export -c gdelt -f gdelt -u root -p secret -m 100 You can register GDELT as a layer in the provided GeoServer as well. GeoServer is running on port 9090 of the master node. You can access it at *http://:9090/geoserver*, where ** is the address you looked up before ``ssh``\ ing into the master node. To register a GeoMesa layer, you'll first need to know the internal URL of the Zookeeper instance. Run the following command: .. code-block:: shell $ sudo docker exec accumulo-master cat /opt/accumulo/conf/accumulo-site.xml | grep -A2 instance.zoo | grep value | sed 's/.*\(.*\)<\/value>/\1/' Then, in the *Stores -> Add New Store -> Accumulo (GeoMesa)* dialog in Geoserver, set the values to the following. .. code:: DataSourceName: gdelt instanceId: gis zookeepers: $zookeeper user: root password: secret tableName: geomesa.gdelt Save the store and publish the ``gdelt`` layer. Set the "Native Bounding Box" and the "Lat Lon Bounding Box" to ``-180,-90,180,90``. Save the layer. Then, navigate to the preview page at *http://:9090/geoserver/cite/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=cite:gdelt&styles=&bbox=-180,-90,180.0,90&width=768&height=356&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers*. Analyze GDELT with GeoMesa, Jupyter, SparkSQL, Vegas, and Leaflet ----------------------------------------------------------------- Your bootstrapped spatial analytic environment has an instance of Jupyter notebook configured to analyze data in GeoMesa using SparkSQL and to visualize the results using Leaflet maps and Vegas (Vega-Lite) charts. To start, navigate to *http://:8888/* where ** is the publicly accessible IP address of the master node. You will see a sample GDELT analysis notebook. .. image:: _static/img/jupyter_notebook_list.png Click the **GDELT Analysis** notebook. Edit the zookeeper value in the first cell by setting it to the zookeeper ip address as described above. Then, select *Cell -> Run All* from the menu bar. This will execute all the cells in the notebook. Scroll through the sample and you will see some map and chart visualizations at the bottom. .. image:: _static/img/jupyter_map_viz.png .. image:: _static/img/jupyter_chart_viz.png