GeoMesa Spark: Aggregating and Visualizing Data =============================================== This tutorial will show you how to: 1. Use GeoMesa with `Apache Spark `__ in Scala. 2. Calculate aggregate statistics using a covering set of polygons. 3. Create a new simple feature type to represent this aggregation. 4. Use `Jupyter `__ and `Leaflet `__ to visualize the result. The end of the tutorial provides a link to a downloadable Jupyter notebook with all the necessary code. Background ---------- `Apache Spark `__ is a "fast and general engine for large-scale data processing". Spark presents an abstraction called a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) that facilitates expressing transformations, filters, and aggregations, and efficiently executes the computation across a distributed set of resources. Spark manages the lineage of a block of transformed data so that if a node goes down, Spark can restart the computation for just the missing blocks. `Jupyter Notebook `__ is an interactive web interface for a kernel, which is an environment for running the code of a language. Jupyter allows you quickly prototype by writing code in runnable cells, computing a final result as you go. Visualization of data is also easily done through integration of Jupyter cell "magics" (special directives for functionality outside of the kernel) to create JavaScript and HTML outputs. Here, we will combine these two services to demonstrate an operation we are naming "Shallow Join". This operation is a means of imposing a small, covering set of geospatial data onto a much larger set of data. We essentially perform an inner join with the geospatial predicate, then aggregate over the result. All of this is done in a distributed fashion using Spark. In our example, `GDELT `__ data has point geometries for each event, but we do not directly know in which country it took place. We "join" this geometry against the polygons of the covering set in order to calculate statistics for a geographical region. However, the example is general enough to support statistics for any data set with numerical fields or other non-point geometries such as LineStrings or polygons. Prerequisites ------------- .. warning:: You will need access to a Hadoop |hadoop_version| installation with Yarn as well as an Accumulo |accumulo_version| database. You will need to have ingested GDELT data using GeoMesa. Instructions are available in :doc:`geomesa-examples-gdelt`. You will need to have ingested a shapefile of polygons outlining your regions of choice. In this tutorial we use `this `__ shapefile of countries. You will also need: - a `Spark `__ 2.0.0 or later distribution - Accumulo user credentials with appropriate permissions to query your data - `Java JDK 8 `__ - a `Jupyter Notebook `__ server with the `Apache Toree `__ Scala kernel installed Set Up Tutorial Code -------------------- Clone the geomesa-tutorials project, and go into the ``geomesa-examples-spark`` directory: $ git clone $ cd geomesa-tutorials/geomesa-examples-spark .. note:: The code in this tutorial is written in `Scala `__. Create RDDs ----------- The code described below is found in the ``com.example.geomesa.spark.ShallowJoin`` class in the ``src/main/scala`` directory. First, set up the parameters and initialize each of the desired data stores. .. code-block:: scala val gdeltDsParams = Map( "instanceId" -> "instance", "zookeepers" -> "zoo1,zoo2,zoo3", "user" -> "user", "password" -> "*****", "auths" -> "USER,ADMIN", "tableName" -> "geomesa_catalog") val countriesDsParams = Map( "instanceId" -> "instance", "zookeepers" -> "zoo1,zoo2,zoo3", "user" -> "user", "password" -> "*****", "auths" -> "USER,ADMIN", "tableName" -> "countries_catalog") val gdeltDs = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(gdeltDsParams) val countriesDs = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(countriesDsParams) Next, initialize a ``SparkContext`` and get the ``SpatialRDDProvider`` for each data store: .. code-block:: scala val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("testSpark") val sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf) val rddProviderCountries = GeoMesaSpark(countriesDsParams) val rddProviderGdelt = GeoMesaSpark(gdeltDsParams) Now we can initialize RDDs for each of the two sources. .. code-block:: scala val countriesRdd: RDD[SimpleFeature] = rddProviderCountries.rdd(new Configuration(), sc, countriesDsParams, new Query("states")) val gdeltRdd: RDD[SimpleFeature] = rddProviderGdelt.rdd(new Configuration(), sc, gdeltDsParams, new Query("gdelt")) Grouping by polygons -------------------- To perform our shallow join, we send our smaller data set, countries, to each of the partitions of the larger data set, GDELT events. This is accomplished through a Spark broadcast, which serializes the desired data and sends it to each of the nodes in the cluster. This way it is only copied once per task. Note also that we collect the countries RDD into an Array before broadcasting. Spark does not allow broadcasting of RDDs, and due to the small size of the data set, we can safely collect data onto the driver node without a risk of running out of memory. .. code-block:: scala val broadcastedRegions = sc.broadcast(countriesRdd.collect) With the covering set available on each partition, we can iterate over the GDELT events and key them by the region they were contained in. In ``mapPartitions``, ``iter`` is an iterator to all the elements (in this case Simple Features) on the partition. Here we transform each iterator and store the result into a new RDD. .. code-block:: scala val keyedData = gdeltRdd.mapPartitions { iter => import org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.geotools.Conversions._ iter.flatMap { sf => // Iterate over regions until a match is found val it = broadcastedRegions.value.iterator var container: Option[String] = None while (it.hasNext) { val cover = // If the cover's polygon contains the feature, // or in the case of non-point geoms, if they intersect, set the container if (cover.geometry.intersects(sf.geometry)) { container = Some(cover.getAttribute(key).asInstanceOf[String]) } } // return the found country as the key if (container.isDefined) { Some(container.get, sf) } else { None } } } Our new RDD is now of type ``RDD[(String, SimpleFeature)]`` and can be used for a Spark ``reduceByKey`` operation, but first, we need to create a simple feature type to represent the aggregated data. Creating a New Simple Feature Type ---------------------------------- We first loop through the types of a sample feature from the GDELT RDD to decide what fields can be aggregated. .. code-block:: scala val countableTypes = Seq("Integer", "Long", "Double") val typeNames ={t => t.getBinding.getSimpleName.toString} val countableIndices = typeNames.indices.flatMap { index => val featureType = typeNames(index) // Only grab countable types, skipping the ID field if ((countableTypes contains featureType) && index != 0) { Some(index, featureType) } else { None } }.toArray val countable = sc.broadcast(countableIndices) With these fields, we can create a Simple Feature Type to store their averages and totals, prefixing each one with "total\_" and "avg\_". Of course, it may not make sense to aggregate ID fields or fields that are already an average, should they appear, but this approach makes it easy if the fields are not known ahead of time. .. code-block:: scala val sftBuilder = new SftBuilder() sftBuilder.stringType("country") sftBuilder.multiPolygon("geom") sftBuilder.intType("count") val featureProperties = gdeltRdd.first.getProperties.toSeq countableIndices.foreach { case (index, clazz) => { val featureName = featureProperties.apply(index).getName clazz match { case "Integer" => sftBuilder.intType("total_" + featureName) case "Long" => sftBuilder.longType("total_" + featureName) case "Double" => sftBuilder.doubleType("total_" + featureName) } sftBuilder.doubleType("avg_"+featureProperties.apply(index).getName) } } val coverSft = SimpleFeatureTypes.createType("aggregate",sftBuilder.getSpec) Aggregating by Key ------------------ To begin aggregating we first send our new Simple Feature Type to each of the executors so that they can create and serialize Simple Features of that type. .. code-block:: scala GeoMesaSpark.register(Seq(coverSft)) val newSfts = sc.broadcast( { sft => (sft.getTypeName, SimpleFeatureTypes.encodeType(sft)) }.toArray) keyedData.foreachPartition { iter => newSfts.value.foreach { case (name, spec) => val newSft = SimpleFeatureTypes.createType(name, spec) GeoMesaSparkKryoRegistrator.putType(newSft) } } Now we can apply a ``reduceByKey`` operation to the keyed RDD. This Spark operation will take pairs of RDD elements of the same key, apply the given function, and replace them with the result. Here, we have three cases for reduction. 1. The two Simple Features have not been aggregated into one of a new type. 2. The two Simple Features have both been aggregated into one of a new type. 3. One of the Simple Features has been aggregated (but not both). For the sake of brevity, we will only show the first case, with the other two following similar patterns. .. code-block:: scala // Grab each feature's properties val featurePropertiesA = featureA.getProperties.toSeq val featurePropertiesB = featureB.getProperties.toSeq // Create a new aggregate feature to hold the result val featureFields = Seq("empty", featureA.geometry) ++ Seq.fill(aggregateSft.getTypes.size-2)("0") val aggregateFeature = ScalaSimpleFeatureFactory.buildFeature(aggregateSft, featureFields, featureA.getID) // Loop over the countable properties and sum them for both gdelt simple features countable.value.foreach { case (index, clazz) => val propA = featurePropertiesA(index) val propB = featurePropertiesB(index) val valA = if (propA == null) 0 else propA.getValue val valB = if (propB == null) 0 else propB.getValue val sum = (valA, valB) match { case (a: Integer, b: Integer) => a + b case (a: java.lang.Long, b: java.lang.Long) => a + b case (a: java.lang.Double, b: java.lang.Double) => a + b case _ => throw new Exception("Couldn't match countable type.") } // Set the total if( propA != null) aggregateFeature.setAttribute("total_"+ propA.getName.toString, sum) } aggregateFeature.setAttribute("count", new Integer(2)) aggregateFeature Spark also provides a ``combineByKey`` operation that also divides nicely into these three cases, but is slightly more logically complex. With the totals and counts calculated, we can now compute the averages for each field. Also, while iterating, we can add the country name and geometry to each feature. To do that, we first broadcast a map of name to geometry. .. code-block:: scala val countryMap: scala.collection.Map[String, Geometry] = { sf => (sf.getAttribute("NAME").asInstanceOf[String] -> sf.getAttribute("the_geom").asInstanceOf[Geometry]) }.collectAsMap val broadcastedCountryMap = sc.broadcast(countryMap) Then we can transform the aggregate RDD into one with averages and geometries added. .. code-block:: scala val averaged = aggregate.mapPartitions { iter => import org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.geotools.Conversions.RichSimpleFeature iter.flatMap { case (countryName, sf) => if (sf.getType.getTypeName == "aggregate") { sf.getProperties.foreach { prop => val name = prop.getName.toString if (name.startsWith("total_")) { val count = sf.get[Integer]("count") val avg = (prop.getValue) match { case (a: Integer) => a / count case (a: java.lang.Long) => a / count case (a: java.lang.Double) => a / count case _ => throw new Exception(s"couldn't match $name") } sf.setAttribute("avg_" + name.substring(6), avg) } } sf.setAttribute("country", countryName) sf.setDefaultGeometry(broadcastedCountryMap.value.getOrElse(countryName,null)) Some(sf) } else { None } } } Visualization ------------- At this point, we have created a new Simple Feature Type representing aggregated data and an RDD of Simple Features of this type. The above code can all be compiled and submitted as a Spark job, but if placed into a Jupyter Notebook, the RDD can be kept in memory and even quickly tweaked while continuously updating visualizations. With a Jupyter notebook server running with the Apache Toree kernel (see :doc:`/user/spark/jupyter`), create a notebook with the above code. The next section highlights how to create visualizations with the aggregated data. While there are many ways to visualize data from an RDD, here we choose to demonstrate the use of Leaflet, a JavaScript library for creating interactive maps, for easy integration of the map image with Jupyter Notebook. To use, either install it through Jupyter's ``nbextensions`` tool, or place the following HTML in your notebook to import it properly. Note that we preface it with ``%%HTML``, a Jupyter cell magic, indicating that the cell should be interpreted as HTML. .. code-block:: HTML %%HTML The problem of getting data from an RDD in the Scala Kernel to client-side JavaScript can also be solved in many ways. One option is to save the RDD to a GeoMesa schema and use the GeoServer Manager API to publish a WMS layer. Leaflet is capable of then reading a WMS layer into its map via HTTP. A more direct route, however, is to export the RDD as GeoJSON. To do this, use Toree's ``AddDeps`` magic to add the GeoTool GeoJSON dependency on the fly. .. code-block:: bash %AddDeps org.geotools gt-geojson 14.1 --transitive --repository We can then transform the RDD of Simple Features to an RDD of strings, collect those strings from each partition, join them, and write them to a file. .. code-block:: scala import org.geotools.geojson.feature.FeatureJSON import val geoJsonWriters = averaged.mapPartitions{ iter => val featureJson = new FeatureJSON() val strRep ={ sf => featureJson.toString(sf) } // Join all the features on this partition Iterator(strRep.mkString(",")) } // Collect these strings and joing them into a JSON array val geoJsonString = geoJsonWriters.collect.mkString("[",",","]") // Write to file In order to modify the DOM of the HTML document from within a Jupyter cell, we must set up a Mutation Observer to correctly respond to asynchronous changes. We attach the observer to ``element``, which refers to the cell from which the JavaScript code is run. Within this observer, we instantiate a new Leaflet map, and add a base layer from OSM. .. code-block:: javascript (new MutationObserver(function() { // Initialize the map var map ='map').setView([35.4746,-44.7022],3); // Add the base layer L.tileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png").addTo(map); this.disconnect() })).observe(element[0], {childList: true}) Inside the Leaflet we create a tile layer from the GeoJSON file we created. There are further options of creating a layer from an image file or from a GeoServer WMS layer. .. code-block:: javascript var rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest(); rawFile.onreadystatechange = function () { if(rawFile.readyState === 4) { if(rawFile.status === 200 || rawFile.status == 0) { var allText = rawFile.response; var gdeltJson = JSON.parse(allText) L.geoJson(gdeltJson).addTo(map); // Css override $('svg').css("max-width","none") } } }"GET", "aggregateGdelt.json", false); rawFile.send() There are many opportunities here to style these layers such as coloring polygons by attributes. Here we color each country's polygon by its average Goldstein scale, indicating how events are contributing to the stability of a country during that time range. .. figure:: _static/img/tutorials/2016-07-26-shallow-join/aggregate-GDELT.png The final result of the analysis described in this tutorial is found in the Jupyter notebook: :download:`_static/geomesa-examples-jupyter/shallow-join-gdelt.ipynb`. You can find a static render of this notebook on `Github `__.