Using the Cassandra DataStore Programmatically ============================================== An instance of a Cassandra data store can be obtained through the normal GeoTools discovery methods, assuming that the GeoMesa code is on the classpath. .. code-block:: java Map parameters = new HashMap<>(); parameters.put("", ""); parameters.put("geomesa.cassandra.keyspace", "geomesa"); parameters.put("geomesa.cassandra.catalog.table", "mycatalog"); dataStore =; The data store requires three parameters: * **** - the connection point for Cassandra, in the form ``:`` - for a default local installation this will be ``localhost:9042``. * **geomesa.cassandra.keyspace** - the Cassandra keyspace to use (must exist already) * **geomesa.cassandra.catalog.table** - the name of the Cassandra table that stores feature type data In addition, there are several optional configuration parameters: * **geomesa.cassandra.username** - Username used to connect to the Cassandra instance * **geomesa.cassandra.password** - Password used to connect to the Cassandra instance * **auditQueries** - Audit queries being run in a log file * **caching** - Cache the results of queries for faster repeated searches. Warning: large result sets can swamp memory * **looseBoundingBox** - use loose bounding boxes - queries will be faster but may return extraneous result * **queryThreads** - the number of threads to use per query * **queryTimeout** - the max time a query will be allowed to run before being killed, in seconds More information on using GeoTools can be found in the `GeoTools user guide `__.