.. _converters: GeoMesa Convert =============== A configurable and extensible library for converting data into ``SimpleFeature``\ s, found in ``geomesa-convert`` in the source distribution. Converters for various different data formats can be configured and instantiated using the ``SimpleFeatureConverters`` factory and a target ``SimpleFeatureType``. Converters are currently available for files in these formats: - delimited text (CSV, TSV) - fixed width text - `Avro`_ - JSON - XML .. _Avro: http://avro.apache.org/ The converter allows the specification of fields extracted from the data and transformations on those fields. Syntax of transformations is very much like ``awk`` syntax. Fields with names that correspond to attribute names in the ``SimpleFeatureType`` will be directly populated in the result SimpleFeature. Fields that do not align with attributes in the ``SimpleFeatureType`` are assumed to be intermediate fields used for deriving attributes. Fields can reference other fields by name for building up complex attributes. ``SimpleFeatureType``\ s and converters are specified as HOCON files readable by the `Typesafe Config`_ library. .. _Typesafe Config: https://github.com/typesafehub/config .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 example usage_tools usage_runtime premade/index function_overview function_usage json xml avro extending parsing_and_validation cache