OpenStreetMap GPX Data ====================== This directory provides GPS data traces from the OpenStreetMap project. The GPS traces are a series of latitude/longitude pairs collected by OSM or uploaded by users. The datasets were last updated in 2013. Getting OSM-GPX data -------------------- The OSM-GPX data set can be downloaded using the provided ```` script in ``$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/bin/`` as such :: ./ osm-gpx providing a desired region when prompted. Alternatively, download OSM\_GPX data `here `__. It is formatted in a GPX 1.0 format, which is an XML format described by this `XSD `__. Regional extracts of the dataset can be found `here `__. Cleaning the data ----------------- Before ingest, the .gpx files can be converted to CSV files through the use of `this converter `__. Ingest Commands --------------- Check that the ``osm-gpx`` simple feature type is available on the GeoMesa tools classpath. This is the default case. :: geomesa env | grep osm-gpx If it is not, merge the contents of ``reference.conf`` with ``$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/conf/application.conf``, or ensure that ``reference.conf`` is in ``$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/conf/sfts/osm-gpx``. Run the ingest. You may optionally point to a different accumulo instance using ``-i`` and ``-z`` options. See ``geomesa help ingest`` for more detail. :: geomesa ingest -u USERNAME -c CATALOGNAME -s osm-gpx -C osm-gpx osm-data.csv