Getting Started =============== This chapter highlights several features of GeoMesa, along with tutorials that describe for getting started with these capabilities. GeoMesa Accumulo ---------------- The GeoMesa Accumulo Quick Start tutorial is the fastest and easiest way to get started with GeoMesa. It is a good stepping-stone on the path to the other tutorials that present increasingly involved examples of how to use GeoMesa. It shows how to write custom Java code to ingest and query data in Accumulo with GeoMesa, and visualize the changes being made in GeoServer. See :doc:`/tutorials/geomesa-quickstart-accumulo`. GeoDocker: Bootstrapping GeoMesa Accumulo and Spark on AWS ---------------------------------------------------------- Getting started with spatio-temporal analysis with GeoMesa, Accumulo, and Spark on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is incredibly simple, thanks to the `Geodocker `_ project. The guide below describes how to bootstrap a GeoMesa Accumulo cluster using Amazon ElasticMapReduce (EMR) and Docker in order to ingest and query sample GDELT data. See :doc:`/tutorials/geodocker-geomesa-spark-on-aws`. GeoMesa Kafka ------------- The GeoMesa Kakfa Quick Start tutorial shows how to write custom Java code to produce and consume messages in Apache Kafka using GeoMesa, query the data and replay the messages in a Kafka topic to achieve an earlier state, and visualize the changes being made in Kafka with GeoServer. See :doc:`/tutorials/geomesa-quickstart-kafka`. Storm Analysis -------------- GeoMesa can leverage the `Apache Storm`_ distributed computation system to ingest and analyze geospatial data in near real time. The :doc:`/tutorials/geomesa-quickstart-storm` tutorial shows how to use Kafka, GeoMesa, and Storm to parse Open Street Map data files and ingest them into Accumulo. See :doc:`/tutorials/geomesa-quickstart-storm`. .. _Apache Storm: GeoJSON ------- GeoMesa provides built-in integration with GeoJSON. GeoMesa provides a GeoJSON API that allows for the indexing and querying of GeoJSON data without using the GeoTools API--all data and operations are pure JSON. The API also includes a REST endpoint for web integration. See :doc:`/user/geojson`.