Data Producers ============== A GeoMesa Kafka data store in *producer* mode takes features and persists them to Kafka topics. First, create the data store. For example: .. code-block:: java String brokers = ... String zookeepers = ... String zkPath = ... // build parameters map Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("brokers", brokers); params.put("zookeepers", zookeepers); params.put("isProducer", Boolean.TRUE); // optional params.put("zkPath", zkPath); // create the data store KafkaDataStoreFactory factory = new KafkaDataStoreFactory(); DataStore producerDs = factory.createDataStore(params); Next, create the schema. Each data store can have one or many schemas. For example: .. code-block:: java SimpleFeatureType sft = ... SimpleFeatureType streamingSFT = KafkaDataStoreHelper.createStreamingSFT(sft, zkPath); producerDs.createSchema(streamingSFT); The call to ``KafkaDataStoreHelper.createSchema`` creates a copy of the ``sft`` with the required hint added. In this case the hint is the name of the Kafka topic. The ``zkPath`` parameter is uses to make the Kafka topic name unique to the ``zkPath`` used by the ``KafkaDataStore`` so that the same ``SimpleFeatureType`` can be used by multiple ``KafkaDataStore``\ s where each data store has a different ``zkPath``. Specifically, the resulting Kafka topic's name will be zkPath-sftName where the forward slashes in the ``zkPath`` are replaced by ``-``. e.g. creating a schema with a ``zkPath`` of /geomesa/ds/kafka with an ``sft`` called example_sft will create a Kafka topic called geomesa-ds-kafka-example_sft. The ``createSchema`` method will throw an exception if the given ``SimpleFeatureType`` does not contain the required hint, i.e., if it was not created by the ``KafkaDataStoreHelper``. Now, you can create or update simple features: .. code-block:: java // the name of the simple feature type - will be the same as sft.getTypeName(); String typeName = streamingSFT.getTypeName(); FeatureWriter fw = producerDs.getFeatureWriter(typeName, null, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); SimpleFeature sf =; // set properties on sf fw.write(); Delete simple features: .. code-block:: java SimpleFeatureStore producerStore = (SimpleFeatureStore) producerDs.getFeatureSource(typeName); FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2(); String id = ... producerStore.removeFeatures(; And, clear (delete all) features: .. code-block:: java producerStore.removeFeatures(Filter.INCLUDE); Each operation that creates, modifies, deletes, or clears simple features results in a message being sent to the Kafka topic.