.. _create_lambda_ds_geoserver: Using the Lambda Data Store in GeoServer ======================================== .. note:: For general information on working with GeoMesa GeoServer plugins, see :doc:`/user/geoserver`. From the main GeoServer page, create a new store by either clicking "Add stores" in the middle of the **Welcome** page, or anywhere in the interface by clicking "Data > Stores" in the left-hand menu and then clicking "Add new Store". If you have properly installed the GeoMesa Lambda GeoServer plugin as described in :ref:`install_lambda_geoserver`, "Kafka/Accumulo Lambda (GeoMesa)" should be included in the list under **Vector Data Sources**. If you do not see this, check that you unpacked the plugin JARs into in the right directory and restart GeoServer. On the "Add Store" page, select "Kafka/Accumulo Lambda (GeoMesa)", and fill out the parameters. The parameters are described in :ref:`lambda_parameters`. .. note:: To prevent GeoServer from participating in persistence of entries to Accumulo, you can set the ``expiry`` parameter to ``Inf`` Click "Save", and GeoServer will search your Accumulo table for any GeoMesa-managed feature types.