Deploying GeoMesa Spark with Jupyter Notebook ============================================= `Jupyter Notebook`_ is a web-based application for creating interactive documents containing runnable code, visualizations, and text. Via the `Apache Toree`_ kernel, Jupyter can be used for preparing spatio-temporal analyses in Scala and submitting them in `Spark`_. The guide below describes how to configure Jupyter with Spark 2.0, Scala 2.11, and GeoMesa. .. note:: GeoMesa support for PySpark provides access to GeoMesa Accumulo data stores through the Spark Python API using Jupyter's built in Python kernel. See :doc:`/user/spark/pyspark`. .. _jupyter_prerequisites: Prerequisites ------------- `Spark`_ 2.0 should be installed, and the environment variable ``SPARK_HOME`` should be set. Spark 2.0 and above requires Scala version 2.11. `Python`_ 2.7 or 3.x should be installed, along with the Python development tools. For example, for Python 2.7 on Ubuntu: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev For Python 2.7 on CentOS: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' $ sudo yum install python-devel Building the Toree kernel for Spark 2.0 requires Git, GNU Make, `Docker`_, and `SBT`_. Installing Jupyter ------------------ Jupyter may be installed via ``pip`` (for Python 2.7) or ``pip3`` (for Python 3.x): .. code-block:: bash $ pip install --upgrade jupyter or .. code-block:: bash $ pip3 install --upgrade jupyter Installing the Toree Kernel --------------------------- Toree version 0.2.0-dev1 supports Spark 2.0 and above, and should be built from source as described via its `README file`_. Check out the project from GitHub: .. _README file: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone $ cd incubator-toree $ git checkout v0.2.0-dev1 Build the project using ``make``; as described in :ref:`jupyter_prerequisites`, `Docker`_ and `SBT`_ are required: .. code-block:: bash $ make clean $ make release The built Toree distribution can then be installed via ``pip`` (or ``pip3``): .. code-block:: bash $ pip install --upgrade ./dist/toree-pip/toree-0.2.0.dev1.tar.gz $ pip freeze | grep toree toree==0.2.0.dev1 .. _jupyter_configure_toree: Configure Toree and GeoMesa --------------------------- If you have the GeoMesa Accumulo distribution installed at ``GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME`` as described in :ref:`setting_up_accumulo_commandline`, you can run the following example script to configure Toree with GeoMesa version ``VERSION``: .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/sh # bundled GeoMesa Accumulo Spark and Spark SQL runtime JAR # (contains geomesa-accumulo-spark, geomesa-spark-core, geomesa-spark-sql, and dependencies) jars="file://$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/dist/spark/geomesa-accumulo-spark-runtime_2.11-$VERSION.jar" # uncomment to use the converter or GeoTools RDD providers #jars="$jars,file://$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/lib/geomesa-spark-converter_2.11-$VERSION.jar" #jars="$jars,file://$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/lib/geomesa-spark-geotools_2.11-$VERSION.jar" # uncomment to work with shapefiles (requires $GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/bin/ #jars="$jars,file://$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/lib/jai_codec-1.1.3.jar" #jars="$jars,file://$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/lib/jai_core-1.1.3.jar" #jars="$jars,file;//$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/lib/jai_imageio-1.1.jar" jupyter toree install \ --replace \ --user \ --kernel_name "GeoMesa Spark $VERSION" \ --spark_home=${SPARK_HOME} \ --spark_opts="--master yarn --jars $jars" .. note:: The JARs specified will be in the respective ``target`` directory of each module of the source distribution if you built GeoMesa from source. You may also consider adding ``geomesa-tools-2.11-$VERSION-data.jar`` to include prepackaged converters for publically available data sources (as described in :ref:`prepackaged_converters`), ``geomesa-jupyter-leaflet-2.11-$VERSION.jar`` to include an interface for the `Leaflet`_ spatial visualization library, and/or ``geomesa-jupyter-vegas-2.11-$VERSION.jar`` to use the `Vegas`_ data plotting library (see :ref:`jupyter_vegas` below). .. _jupyter_vegas: Vegas for Data Plotting ----------------------- The `Vegas`_ library may be used with GeoMesa, Spark, and Toree in Jupyter to plot quantitative data. The ``geomesa-jupyter-vegas`` module builds a shaded JAR containing all of the dependencies needed to run Vegas in Jupyter+Toree. This module must be built from source, using the ``vegas`` profile: .. code-block:: bash $ mvn clean install -Pvegas -pl geomesa-jupyter/geomesa-jupyter-vegas This will build ``geomesa-jupyter-vegas_2.11-$VERSION.jar`` in the ``target`` directory of the module, and should be added to the list of JARs in the ``jupyter toree install`` command described in :ref:`jupyter_configure_toree`: .. code-block:: bash jars="$jars,file:///path/to/geomesa-jupyter-vegas_2.11-$VERSION.jar" # then continue with "jupyter toree install" as before To use Vegas within Jupyter, load the appropriate libraries and a displayer: .. code-block:: scala import vegas._ import vegas.render.HTMLRenderer._ import vegas.sparkExt._ implicit val displayer: String => Unit = { s => kernel.display.content("text/html", s) } Then use the ``withDataFrame`` method to plot data in a ``DataFrame``: .. code-block:: scala Vegas("Simple bar chart"). withDataFrame(df). encodeX("a", Ordinal). encodeY("b", Quantitative). mark(Bar). show(displayer) Running Jupyter --------------- For public notebooks, you should `configure Jupyter`_ to use a password and bind to a public IP address. To run Jupyter with the GeoMesa Spark kernel: .. _configure Jupyter: .. code-block:: bash $ jupyter notebook .. note:: Long-lived processes should probably be hosted in ``screen``, ``systemd``, or ``supervisord``. Your notebook server should launch and be accessible at http://localhost:8888/ (or the address and port you bound the server to). .. _Apache Toree: .. _Docker: .. _Jupyter Notebook: .. _Leaflet: .. _Python: .. _SBT: .. _Spark: .. _Vegas: