.. _cli_analytic: Analytic Commands ================= These commands are used to analyze data sets. Required parameters are indicated with a ``*``. See :ref:`stat_attribute_config` for details on cached statistics. ``stats-bounds`` ---------------- Display or calculate the bounds for the attributes of a schema. ======================== ========================================================= Argument Description ======================== ========================================================= ``-c, --catalog *`` The catalog table containing schema metadata ``-f, --feature-name *`` The name of the schema ``-q, --cql`` CQL to filter the features to consider ``-a, --attributes`` Specific attributes to calculate bounds for ``--no-cache`` Don't use cached statistics ======================== ========================================================= By default, pre-computed (cached) bounds will be displayed. The cached bounds may not be completely precise, but they are available instantly. If the ``--no-cache`` argument is used, the bounds will be calculated by running a query against the data. This will give a precise result, but take longer. ``stats-count`` --------------- Count features that match a predicate. ======================== ========================================================= Argument Description ======================== ========================================================= ``-c, --catalog *`` The catalog table containing schema metadata ``-f, --feature-name *`` The name of the schema ``-q, --cql`` CQL filter to select features to export ``--no-cache`` Don't use cached statistics ======================== ========================================================= By default, pre-computed (cached) stats will be used to estimate the count. The cached stats may not be completely precise, but they are available instantly. If the ``--no-cache`` argument is used, the count will be calculated by running a query against the data. This will give a precise result, but take longer. ``stats-histogram`` ------------------- Displays a histogram of the values of the given attributes. ======================== ========================================================= Argument Description ======================== ========================================================= ``-c, --catalog *`` The catalog table containing schema metadata ``-f, --feature-name *`` The name of the schema ``-q, --cql`` CQL filter to select features to export ``-a, --attributes`` Specific attributes to calculate values for ``--bins`` Number of bins used to divide the histogram values ``--no-cache`` Don't use cached statistics ======================== ========================================================= The ``--bins`` argument will determine how the histogram is divided up. For example, when examining a week of time data, using 7 bins would group values by day. By default, pre-computed (cached) stats will be used to estimate histograms. The cached stats may not be completely precise, but they are available instantly. If the ``--no-cache`` argument is used, the histogram will be calculated by running a query against the data. This will give a precise result, but take longer. Note that even with ``--no-cache``, summary statistical models are used to determine histograms, and they may not be completely accurate. Histograms on geometry-type attributes will displayed as rough heat maps. ``stats-top-k`` --------------- Displays the most common values for the given attributes. ======================== ========================================================= Argument Description ======================== ========================================================= ``-c, --catalog *`` The catalog table containing schema metadata ``-f, --feature-name *`` The name of the schema ``-q, --cql`` CQL filter to select features to export ``-a, --attributes`` Specific attributes to calculate values for ``-k`` Number of top values to show ``--no-cache`` Don't use cached statistics ======================== ========================================================= By default, pre-computed (cached) stats will be used to estimate the top values. The cached stats may not be completely precise, but they are available instantly. If the ``--no-cache`` argument is used, the top values will be calculated by running a query against the data. This will give a precise result, but take longer. Note that even with ``--no-cache``, summary statistical models are used to determine top values, and they may not be completely accurate.