Transformation Function Usage ----------------------------- Control Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ try ^^^ Description: Execute another function - if it fails, instead use a default value Usage: ``try($1, $2)`` Example: ``try("1"::int, 0) = 1`` Example: ``try("abcd"::int, 0) = 0`` withDefault ^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Replace a value with a default, if the value is null Usage: ``withDefault($1, $2)`` Example: ``withDefault('foo', 'bar') = foo`` Example: ``withDefault(null, 'bar') = bar`` String Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ stripQuotes ^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Remove double quotes from a string. Usage: ``stripQuotes($1)`` Example: ``stripQuotes('fo"o') = foo`` length ^^^^^^ Description: Returns the length of a string. Usage: ``length($1)`` Example: ``length('foo') = 3`` trim ^^^^ Description: Trim whitespace from around a string. Usage: ``trim($1)`` Example: ``trim(' foo ') = foo`` capitalize ^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Capitalize a string. Usage: ``capitalize($1)`` Example: ``capitalize('foo') = Foo`` lowercase ^^^^^^^^^ Description: Lowercase a string. Usage: ``lowercase($1)`` Example: ``lowercase('FOO') = foo`` uppercase ^^^^^^^^^ Description: Uppercase a string. Usage: ``uppercase($1)`` Example: ``uppercase('foo') = FOO`` regexReplace ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Replace a given pattern with a target pattern in a string. Usage: ``regexReplace($regex, $replacement, $1)`` Example: ``regexReplace('foo'::r, 'bar', 'foobar') = barbar`` concatenate ^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Concatenate two strings. Usage: ``concatenate($0, $1)`` Example: ``concatenate('foo', 'bar') = foobar`` substring ^^^^^^^^^ Description: Return the substring of a string. Usage: ``substring($1, $startIndex, $endIndex)`` Example: ``substring('foobarbaz', 2, 5) = oba`` toString ^^^^^^^^ Description: Convert another data type to a string. Usage: ``toString($0)`` Example: ``concatenate(toString(5), toString(6)) = '56'`` emptyToNull ^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Replace an empty string with ``null``. Useful for setting optional attributes from delimited text files, where inputs will never be ``null``. Usage: ``emptyToNull($0)`` Example: ``emptyToNull('') = null`` printf ^^^^^^ Description: Format custom strings. As an implementation detail, this function delegates to Java's String `formatting classes`__. .. __: Usage: ``printf('patterns', $arg1, $arg2, ...)'`` Examples: ``printf('%s-%s-%sT00:00:00.000Z', '2015', '01', '01') = '2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'`` ``printf('%2f', divide(-1, 2, 3)) = '-0.17'`` Date Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ now ^^^ Description: Use the current system time. Usage: ``now()`` date ^^^^ Description: Custom date parser. The date format is defined by the Java 8 `DateTimeFormatter`__ class. .. __: Usage: ``date($format, $1)`` Example: ``date('yyyy-MM-dd\\'T\\'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS', '2015-01-01T00:00:00.000000')`` dateTime ^^^^^^^^ Description: A strict ISO 8601 Date parser for format ``yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ``. Usage: ``dateTime($1)`` Example: ``dateTime('2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z')`` basicDate ^^^^^^^^^ Description: A basic date format for ``yyyyMMdd``. Usage: ``basicDate($1)`` Example: ``basicDate('20150101')`` basicDateTime ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: A basic format that combines a basic date and time for format ``yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSSZ``. Usage: ``basicDateTime($1)`` Example: ``basicDateTime('20150101T000000.000Z')`` basicDateTimeNoMillis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: A basic format that combines a basic date and time with no millis for format ``yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmssZ``. Usage: ``basicDateTimeNoMillis($1)`` Example: ``basicDateTimeNoMillis('20150101T000000Z')`` dateHourMinuteSecondMillis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Formatter for full date, and time keeping the first 3 fractional seconds for format ``yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS``. Usage: ``dateHourMinuteSecondMillis($1)`` Example: ``dateHourMinuteSecondMillis('2015-01-01T00:00:00.000')`` millisToDate ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Create a new date from a long representing milliseconds since January 1, 1970. Usage: ``millisToDate($1)`` Example: ``millisToDate('1449675054462'::long)`` secsToDate ^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Create a new date from a long representing seconds since January 1, 1970. Usage: ``secsToDate($1)`` Example: ``secsToDate(1449675054)`` Geometry Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ point ^^^^^ Description: Parse a Point geometry from lon/lat or WKT. Usage: ``point($lon, $lat)`` or ``point($wkt)`` Note: Ordering is important here...GeoMesa defaults to longitude first Example: Parsing lon/lat from JSON: Parsing lon/lat :: # config { name = "lon", json-type="double", path="$.lon" } { name = "lat", json-type="double", path="$.lat" } { name = "geom", transform="point($lon, $lat)" } # data { "lat": 23.9, "lon": 24.2, } Example: Parsing lon/lat from text without creating lon/lat fields: :: # config { name = "geom", transform="point($2::double, $3::double)" } # data id,lat,lon,date identity1,23.9,24.2,2015-02-03 Example: Parsing WKT as a point :: # config { name = "geom", transform="point($2)" } # data ID,wkt,date 1,POINT(2 3),2015-01-02 linestring ^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Parse a linestring from a WKT string. Usage: ``linestring($0)`` Example: ``linestring('LINESTRING(102 0, 103 1, 104 0, 105 1)')`` polygon ^^^^^^^ Description: Parse a polygon from a WKT string. Usage: ``polygon($0)`` Example: ``polygon('polygon((100 0, 101 0, 101 1, 100 1, 100 0))')`` geometry ^^^^^^^^ Description: Parse a geometry from a WKT string or GeoJson. Usage: ``geometry($0)`` Example: Parsing WKT as a geometry :: # config { name = "geom", transform="geometry($2)" } # data ID,wkt,date 1,POINT(2 3),2015-01-02 Example: Parsing GeoJson geometry :: # config { name = "geom", json-type = "geometry", path = "$.geometry" } # data { id: 1, number: 123, color: "red", "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [55, 56]} } projectFrom ^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Project a geometry from its native CRS to EPSG:4326. GeoMesa only supports EPSG:4326, so geometries must be transformed when ingesting from another CRS. Usage: ``projectFrom('EPSG:3857',$0)`` Example: Reprojecting a parsed point from EPSG:3857 to EPSG:4326: :: # config { name = "geom", transform="projectFrom('EPSG:3857',point($2::double, $3::double))" } # data id,x,y,date identity1,1689200.14,1113194.91,2015-02-03 ID Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ stringToBytes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string to a UTF-8 byte array (to pass to ``md5()`` or ``base64()``). Usage: ``stringToBytes($0)`` Example: ``stringToBytes('row,of,data')`` md5 ^^^ Description: Creates an MD5 hash from a byte array. Usage: ``md5($0)`` Example: ``md5(stringToBytes('row,of,data'))`` uuid ^^^^ Description: Generates a random UUID. Usage: ``uuid()`` uuidZ3 ^^^^^^ Description: Generates a Z3-based UUID for point geometries. Usage: ``uuidZ3($geom, $date, $interval)`` Example: ``uuidZ3(point('POINT (3 2)'), dateTime('2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'), 'week')`` See :ref:`customizing_z_index` for details on Z3 intervals. uuidZ3Centroid ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Generates a Z3-based UUID for non-point geometries. Usage: ``uuidZ3Centroid($geom, $date, $interval)`` Example: ``uuidZ3Centroid(linestring('LINESTRING(102 0, 103 1, 104 0, 105 1)', dateTime('2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'), 'week')`` See :ref:`customizing_z_index` for details on Z3 intervals. base64 ^^^^^^ Description: Encodes a byte array as a base-64 string. Usage; ``base64($0)`` Example: ``base64(stringToBytes('foo'))`` Type Conversions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::int or ::integer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string into an integer. Invalid values will cause the record to fail. Example: ``'1'::int = 1`` ::long ^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string into a long. Invalid values will cause the record to fail. Example: ``'1'::long = 1L`` ::float ^^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string into a float. Invalid values will cause the record to fail. Example: ``'1.0'::float = 1.0f`` ::double ^^^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string into a double. Invalid values will cause the record to fail. Example: ``'1.0'::double = 1.0d`` ::boolean ^^^^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string into a boolean. Invalid values will cause the record to fail. Example: ``'true'::boolean = true`` ::r ^^^ Description: Converts a string into a Regex object. Example: ``'f.*'::r = f.*: scala.util.matching.Regex`` stringToInt or stringToInteger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string into a integer, with a default value if conversion fails. Usage: ``stringToInt($1, $2)`` Example: ``stringToInt('1', 0) = 1`` Example: ``stringToInt('', 0) = 0`` stringToLong ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string into a long, with a default value if conversion fails. Usage: ``stringToLong($1, $2)`` Example: ``stringToLong('1', 0L) = 1L`` Example: ``stringToLong('', 0L) = 0L`` stringToFloat ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string into a float, with a default value if conversion fails. Usage: ``stringToFloat($1, $2)`` Example: ``stringToFloat('1.0', 0.0f) = 1.0f`` Example: ``stringToFloat('not a float', 0.0f) = 0.0f`` stringToDouble ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string into a double, with a default value if conversion fails. Usage: ``stringToDouble($1, $2)`` Example: ``stringToDouble('1.0', 0.0) = 1.0d`` Example: ``stringToDouble(null, 0.0) = 0.0d`` stringToBoolean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Converts a string into a boolean, with a default value if conversion fails. Usage: ``stringToBoolean($1, $2)`` Example: ``stringToBoolean('true', false) = true`` Example: ``stringToBoolean('55', false) = false`` Math Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usage: All math functions accept: Integers, Doubles, Floats, Longs and parsable Strings. All math functions return: Doubles. If another data type is needed, convert the value afterwards. e.g. ``add($1,$2)::long`` Example: :: { name = "value3", transform = "add($value1, multiply($value2, 1.2))::double" } add ^^^ Description: Adds two or more values. Example: ``add($1,$2)`` Example: ``add($1,$2,"10")`` subtract ^^^^^^^^ Description: Subtracts two or more values. Example: ``subtract($1,$2)`` Example: ``subtract($1,$2,1.0f)`` multiply ^^^^^^^^ Description: Multiply two or more values. Example: ``multiply($1,$2)`` Example: ``multiply($1,$2,0.01d)`` divide ^^^^^^ Description: Divides two or more values sequentially. Example: ``divide($1,$2)`` Example: ``divide($1,$2,"15")`` is equivalent to ``($1/$2)/"15"`` List and Map Parsing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parseList ^^^^^^^^^ Description: Parse a ``List[T]`` type from a string. If your SimpleFeatureType config contains a list or map you can easily configure a transform function to parse it using the ``parseList`` function which takes either 2 or 3 args 1. The primitive type of the list (int, string, double, float, boolean, etc) 2. The reference to parse 3. Optionally, the list delimiter (defaults to a comma) Here's some sample CSV data: :: ID,Name,Age,LastSeen,Friends,Lat,Lon 23623,Harry,20,2015-05-06,"Will, Mark, Suzan",-100.236523,23 26236,Hermione,25,2015-06-07,"Edward, Bill, Harry",40.232,-53.2356 3233,Severus,30,2015-10-23,"Tom, Riddle, Voldemort",3,-62.23 For example, an SFT may specific a field: :: { name = "friends", type = "List[String]" } And a transform to parse the quoted CSV field: :: { name = "friends", transform = "parseList('string', $5)" } parseMap ^^^^^^^^ Description: Parse a ``Map[T,V]`` type from a string. Parsing Maps is similar. Take for example this CSV data with a quoted map field: :: 1,"1->a,2->b,3->c,4->d",2013-07-17,-90.368732,35.3155 2,"5->e,6->f,7->g,8->h",2013-07-17,-70.970585,42.36211 3,"9->i,10->j",2013-07-17,-97.599004,30.50901 Our field type is: :: numbers:Map[Integer,String] Then we specify a transform: :: { name = "numbers", transform = "parseMap('int -> string', $2)" } Optionally we can also provide custom list/record and key-value delimiters for a map: :: { name = "numbers", transform = "parseMap('int -> string', $2, '->', ',')" } Enrichment Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cacheLookup ^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Looks up a value from a cache Usage: ``cacheLookup(, , )`` Example: ``cacheLookup('test', $id, 'name')``