.. _converters: GeoMesa Convert =============== GeoMesa Convert is a configurable and extensible library for converting data into GeoTools ``SimpleFeature``\ s, which can then be written to GeoMesa. The convert library is the easiest way to ingest data into GeoMesa, and ships with the GeoMesa command-line tools. Data types are defined in the JSON-like `HOCON `__ format, which allows for ingesting a wide variety of data without any custom code. Converter definitions are provided out-of-the-box for some common open-source data sets, including Twitter and GDELT; see :ref:`prepackaged_converters` for details. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 common parsing_and_validation delimited_text json xml avro fixed_width jdbc cache premade/index function_overview function_usage usage_tools usage_runtime extending