Loading Converters and SFTs at Runtime -------------------------------------- If you have defined converters or SimpleFeatureTypes in Typesafe Config you can place them on the classpath or load them with a ``ConverterConfigProvider`` or ``SimpleFeatureTypeProvider`` via Java SPI loading. By default, classpath and URL providers are provided. Placing a Typesafe Config file named ``reference.conf`` or ``application.conf`` containing properly formatted converters and SFTs (see the example ``application.conf`` in :doc:`./usage_tools`) in a JAR file on the classpath will enable the reference of the converters and SFTs using the public loader API: .. code-block:: scala // ConverterConfigLoader.scala // Public API def listConverterNames: List[String] = confs.keys.toList def getAllConfigs: Map[String, Config] = confs def configForName(name: String) = confs.get(name) // SimpleFeatureTypeLoader.scala // Public API def listTypeNames: List[String] = sfts.map(_.getTypeName) def sftForName(n: String): Option[SimpleFeatureType] = sfts.find(_.getTypeName == n) .. note:: The prepackaged SFTs and converters for public data sources provided with GeoMesa binary distributions are also available as an artifact that may be obtained via Maven or SBT. See :ref:`prepackaged_converters` for more information.