.. _installing_sft_and_converter_definitions: Using SFT and Converter Definitions with Command-Line Tools ----------------------------------------------------------- The GeoMesa binary distributions ship with prepackaged feature type and converter definitions for common data types including Twitter, GeoNames, T-drive, and several more. These converters can be used with the GeoMesa command-line tools out of the box. See :ref:`prepackaged_converters`. Users can add additional SimpleFeatureType and converter types by providing a ``reference.conf`` file embedded with a JAR within the ``lib`` directory, or by adding the types to the ``application.conf`` file in the ``conf`` directory of the tools distribution. .. note:: The example below is specific to the GeoMesa Accumulo distribution, but the general principle is the same for each distribution. Only the home variable and command-line tool name will differ depending on GeoMesa distribution. Given the following sample CSV file ``example.csv``: :: ID,Name,Age,LastSeen,Friends,Lat,Lon 23623,Harry,20,2015-05-06,"Will, Mark, Suzan",-100.236523,23 26236,Hermione,25,2015-06-07,"Edward, Bill, Harry",40.232,-53.2356 3233,Severus,30,2015-10-23,"Tom, Riddle, Voldemort",3,-62.23 A "renegades" SFT and "renegades-csv" converter may be specified in the GeoMesa Tools configuration file (``$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/conf/application.conf``) as shown below. By default, SFTs will be loaded from the file at the path ``geomesa.sfts`` and converters will be loaded at the path ``geomesa.converters``. Each converter and SFT definition is keyed by the name that can be referenced in the converter and SFT loaders. ``$GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/conf/application.conf``: :: geomesa = { sfts = { # other SFTs # ... "renegades" = { attributes = [ { name = "fid", type = "Integer", index = false } { name = "name", type = "String", index = true } { name = "age", type = "Integer", index = false } { name = "lastseen", type = "Date", index = true } { name = "friends", type = "List[String]", index = true } { name = "geom", type = "Point", index = true, srid = 4326, default = true } ] } } converters = { # other converters # ... "renegades-csv" = { type = "delimited-text", format = "CSV", options { skip-lines = 1 }, id-field = "toString($fid)", fields = [ { name = "fid", transform = "$1::int" } { name = "name", transform = "$2::string" } { name = "age", transform = "$3::int" } { name = "lastseen", transform = "date('yyyy-MM-dd', $4)" } { name = "friends", transform = "parseList('string', $5)" } { name = "lon", transform = "$6::double" } { name = "lat", transform = "$7::double" } { name = "geom", transform = "point($lon, $lat)" } ] } } } Use ``geomesa-accumulo env`` to confirm that ``geomesa-accumulo ingest`` can properly read the updated file. .. code-block:: shell $ geomesa-accumulo env Once the converter and SFT are registered, it can be used to ingest the ``example.csv`` file: .. code-block:: shell $ geomesa-accumulo ingest -u -p -i -z -s renegades -C renegades-csv example.csv