Spark Core ---------- ``geomesa-spark-core`` is used to work directly with ``RDD``\ s of features from GeoMesa and other geospatial data stores. Example ^^^^^^^ The following is a complete Scala example of creating an RDD via a geospatial query against a GeoMesa data store: .. code-block:: scala // DataStore params to a hypothetical GeoMesa Accumulo table val dsParams = Map( "" -> "instance", "accumulo.zookeepers" -> "zoo1,zoo2,zoo3", "accumulo.user" -> "user", "accumulo.password" -> "*****", "accumulo.catalog" -> "geomesa_catalog", "" -> "USER,ADMIN") // set SparkContext val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("testSpark") val sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf) // create RDD with a geospatial query using GeoMesa functions val spatialRDDProvider = GeoMesaSpark(dsParams) val filter = ECQL.toFilter("CONTAINS(POLYGON((0 0, 0 90, 90 90, 90 0, 0 0)), geom)") val query = new Query("chicago", filter) val resultRDD = spatialRDDProvider.rdd(new Configuration, sc, dsParams, query) resultRDD.collect // Array[org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature] = Array( // ScalaSimpleFeature:4, ScalaSimpleFeature:5, ScalaSimpleFeature:6, // ScalaSimpleFeature:7, ScalaSimpleFeature:9) .. _spark_core_config: Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``geomesa-spark-core`` provides an API for accessing geospatial data in Spark, by defining an interface called ``SpatialRDDProvider``. Different implementations of this interface connect to different input sources. These different providers are described in more detail in :ref:`spark_core_usage` below. GeoMesa provides several JAR-with-dependencies to simplify setting up the Spark classpath. To use these libraries in Spark, the appropriate shaded JAR can be passed (for example) to the ``spark-submit`` command via the ``--jars`` option: .. code-block:: bash --jars file://path/to/geomesa-accumulo-spark-runtime_2.11-$VERSION.jar or passed to Spark via the appropriate mechanism in notebook servers such as Jupyter (see :doc:`jupyter`) or Zeppelin. The shaded JAR should also provide the dependencies needed for the :ref:`converter_rdd_provider` and :ref:`geotools_rdd_provider`, so these JARs may simply be added to ``--jars`` as well (though in the latter case additional JARs may be needed to implement the GeoTools data store accessed). .. _spark_sf_serialization: Simple Feature Serialization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To serialize ``RDD``\ s of ``SimpleFeature``\ s between nodes of a cluster, Spark must be configured with a Kryo serialization registrator provided in ``geomesa-spark-core``. .. note:: Configuring Kryo serialization is not needed when running Spark in ``local`` mode, as jobs will be executed within a single JVM. Add these two entries to ``$SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf`` (or pass them as ``--conf`` arguments to ``spark-submit``): .. code:: spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer spark.kryo.registrator org.locationtech.geomesa.spark.GeoMesaSparkKryoRegistrator .. note:: Alternatively, these may be set in the ``SparkConf`` object used to create the ``SparkContext``: .. code-block:: scala conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") conf.set("spark.kryo.registrator", classOf[GeoMesaSparkKryoRegistrator].getName) When using Spark in a notebook server, this will require disabling the automatic creation of a ``SparkContext``. After setting the configuration options, RDDs created by the GeoMesa ``SpatialRDDProvider`` implementations will be properly registered with the serializer provider. .. _spark_core_usage: Usage ^^^^^ The main point of entry for the functionality provided by ``geomesa-spark-core`` is the ``GeoMesaSpark`` object: .. code-block:: scala val spatialRDDProvider = GeoMesaSpark(params) ``GeoMesaSpark`` loads a ``SpatialRDDProvider`` implementation via SPI when the appropriate JAR is included on the classpath. The implementation returned by ``GeoMesaSpark`` is chosen based on the parameters passed as an argument, as shown in the Scala code below: .. code-block:: scala // parameters to pass to the SpatialRDDProvider implementation val params = Map( "param1" -> "foo", "param2" -> "bar") // GeoTools Query; may be used to filter results retrieved from the data store val query = new Query("foo") // val query = new Query("foo", ECQL.toFilter("name like 'A%'")) // get the RDD, using the SparkContext configured as above val rdd = GeoMesaSpark(params).rdd(new Configuration(), sc, params, query) To save features, use the ``save()`` method: .. code-block:: scala GeoMesaSpark(params).save(rdd, params, "gdelt") Note that some providers may be read-only. See :doc:`./providers` for details on specific provider implementations.