7.2. Schema Commands

These commands are used to create, describe and delete schemas (SimpleFeatureTypes). Required parameters are indicated with a *.

7.2.1. create-schema

Used to create a new SimpleFeatureType.

Argument Description
-c, --catalog * The catalog table used to hold the schema metadata
-s, --spec * The SimpleFeatureType specification to create
-f, --feature-name The name of the schema to create
--dtg The attribute to use for the default date field

The --spec argument may be any of the following:

  • A string of attributes, for example name:String,dtg:Date,*geom:Point:srid=4326
  • The name of a SimpleFeatureType already available on the classpath
  • A string of attributes, defined as a TypeSafe configuration
  • The name of a file containing one of the above

See Defining Simple Feature Types for more details on specifying the SimpleFeatureType.

The --feature-name attribute is required if it is not implied by the specification string. It may also be used to override the implied feature name.

7.2.2. delete-catalog

Deletes all SimpleFeatureTypes in a given catalog, and all features associated with them.

Argument Description
-c, --catalog * The catalog table used to hold the schema metadata

7.2.3. describe-schema

Describes the attributes of an existing SimpleFeatureType.

Argument Description
-c, --catalog * The catalog table containing the schema metadata
-f, --feature-name * The name of the schema to describe

7.2.4. gen-avro-schema

Generate an Avro schema based on a SimpleFeatureType.

Argument Description
-s, --spec * The SimpleFeatureType specification to create
-f, --feature-name The name of the schema to create

See create-schema for details on specifying a SimpleFeatureType.

7.2.5. get-sft-config

Exports the SimpleFeatureType metadata.

Argument Description
-c, --catalog * The catalog table used to hold the schema metadata
-f, --feature-name * The name of the schema to export
--format The format to output - either spec or config
--concise Export the metadata with minimal whitespace
--exclude-user-data Exclude user data from the output

The metadata can either be exported as a specification string, or as a TypeSafe configuration file. See Defining Simple Feature Types for more details on SimpleFeatureType formats.

7.2.6. get-type-names

Displays the names of SimpleFeatureTypes stored in a given catalog table.

Argument Description
-c, --catalog * The catalog table containing schema metadata

7.2.7. keywords

View, add, or remove keywords associated with a SimpleFeatureType. Keywords are stored as user data, and will automatically populate GeoServer layers when the layer is created.

Argument Description
-c, --catalog * The catalog table used to hold the schema metadata
-f, --feature-name * The name of the schema to operate on
-l, --list List existing keywords
-a, --add Add a new keyword by name
-r, --remove Delete an existing keyword by name
--removeAll Delete all existing keywords

7.2.8. remove-schema

Deletes a SimpleFeatureType, and all features associated with it.

Argument Description
-c, --catalog * The catalog table used to hold the schema metadata
-f, --feature-name The name of the schema to delete
--pattern A regular expression matching the schemas to delete
--force Delete any matching schemas without prompting for confirmation

The schema can either be specified by name, or a regular expression can be used to delete multiple schemas at once.