Installing GeoMesa Bigtable =========================== .. _install_bigtable_tools: Installing the Binary Distribution ---------------------------------- GeoMesa Bigtable artifacts are available for download or can be built from source. The easiest way to get started is to download the most recent binary version (|release|) from `GitHub`__. __ Extract it somewhere convenient: .. code-block:: bash # download and unpackage the most recent distribution: $ wget "$VERSION/geomesa-bigtable_2.11-$VERSION-bin.tar.gz" $ tar xvf geomesa-bigtable_2.11-$VERSION-bin.tar.gz $ cd geomesa-bigtable_2.11-$VERSION $ ls bin conf dist docs examples lib LICENSE.txt logs To run the command-line tools, the configuration file ``hbase-site.xml`` must be on the classpath. This can be accomplished by placing the file in the ``conf`` folder. For more information, see `Connecting to Cloud Bigtable `__. .. _install_bigtable_geoserver: Installing GeoMesa Bigtable in GeoServer ---------------------------------------- .. warning:: GeoServer 2.13.0 and 2.13.1 are not recommended due to two serious bugs: * GeoMesa WPS processes are not triggered correctly, and will run slowly or not at all * GeoMesa count optimizations are bypassed, potentially resulting in large duplicate scans for WFS queries The HBase GeoServer plugin is bundled by default in a GeoMesa binary distribution. To install, extract ``dist/gs-plugins/target/geomesa-bigtable-gs-plugin_2.11-$VERSION-install.tar.gz`` into GeoServer's ``WEB-INF/lib`` directory. This distribution does not include HBase or Hadoop JARs - the following JARs should be copied into GeoServer's ``WEB-INF/lib`` directory. For convenience, the script ``bin/`` will download them from Maven Central. * hbase-annotations-1.3.1.jar * hbase-client-1.3.1.jar * hbase-common-1.3.1.jar * hbase-hadoop2-compat-1.3.1.jar * hbase-hadoop-compat-1.3.1.jar * hbase-prefix-tree-1.3.1.jar * hbase-procedure-1.3.1.jar * hbase-protocol-1.3.1.jar * hbase-server-1.3.1.jar * commons-configuration-1.6.jar * hadoop-annotations-2.5.2.jar * hadoop-auth-2.5.2.jar * hadoop-client-2.5.2.jar * hadoop-common-2.5.2.jar * hadoop-hdfs-2.5.2.jar (Note the versions may vary depending on your installation.) The Bigtable data store requires the configuration file ``hbase-site.xml`` to be on the classpath. This can be accomplished by placing the file in ``geoserver/WEB-INF/classes`` (you should make the directory if it doesn't exist). For more information, see `Connecting to Cloud Bigtable `__. Restart GeoServer after the JARs are installed. Jackson Version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. warning:: Some GeoMesa functions (in particular Arrow conversion) requires ``jackson-core-2.6.x``. Some versions of GeoServer ship with an older version, ``jackson-core-2.5.0.jar``. After installing the GeoMesa GeoServer plugin, be sure to delete the older JAR from GeoServer's ``WEB-INF/lib`` folder.