.. _converter_functions: Transformation Function Overview -------------------------------- Type Conversions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``::int`` or ``::integer`` - ``::long`` - ``::float`` - ``::double`` - ``::boolean`` - ``::r`` - ``stringToInt`` or ``stringToInteger`` - ``stringToLong`` - ``stringToFloat`` - ``stringToDouble`` - ``stringToBoolean`` - ``intToBoolean`` String Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``strip`` - ``stripPrefix`` - ``stripSuffix`` - ``stripQuotes`` - ``replace`` - ``removeChars`` - ``length`` - ``trim`` - ``capitalize`` - ``lowercase`` - ``regexReplace`` - ``concatenate`` - ``substring`` - ``toString`` - ``emptyToNull`` - ``printf`` Date Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``now`` - ``date`` - ``dateTime`` - ``basicIsoDate`` - ``isoLocalDate`` - ``basicDateTime`` - ``isoLocalDateTime`` - ``isoOffsetDateTime`` - ``basicDateTimeNoMillis`` - ``dateHourMinuteSecondMillis`` - ``millisToDate`` - ``secsToDate`` - ``dateToString`` Geometry Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``point`` - ``multipoint`` - ``linestring`` - ``multilinestring`` - ``polygon`` - ``multipolygon`` - ``geometrycollection`` - ``geometry`` - ``projectFrom`` ID Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``stringToBytes`` - ``md5`` - ``murmur3_32`` - ``murmur3_128`` - ``uuid`` - ``uuidZ3`` - ``uuidZ3Centroid`` - ``base64`` Math Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``add`` - ``subtract`` - ``multiply`` - ``divide`` - ``mean`` - ``min`` - ``max`` List and Map Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``list`` - ``mapValue`` - ``parseList`` - ``parseMap`` Control Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``try`` - ``withDefault`` - ``require`` State Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``inputFilePath`` - ``lineNo`` .. _convert_scripting_functions: Functions defined using scripting languages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can define functions using scripting languages that support JSR-223. This is currently tested with JavaScript only as it is natively supported in all JREs via the Nashorn extension. To define a JavaScript function for use in the converter framework, create a file with the ``.js`` extension and the function definition as the contents of the file. For instance, if you have defined a function such as .. code-block:: javascript function hello(s) { return "hello: " + s; } you can reference that function in a transform expression as ``js:hello($2)`` Installing Custom Scripts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Custom scripting functions are made available to GeoMesa comamnd line tools or distributed (map-reduce) ingest via including them on the classpath or setting a system property. For local usage, geomesa defines the system property ``geomesa.convert.scripts.path`` to be a colon-separated list of script files and/or directories containing scripts. This system property can be set when using the command line tools by setting the ``CUSTOM_JAVA_OPTS`` environmental variable: .. code-block:: bash CUSTOM_JAVA_OPTS="-Dgeomesa.convert.scripts.path=/path/to/script.js:/path/to/script-dir/" A more resilient method of including custom scripts is to package them as a JAR or ZIP file and add it to the ``GEOMESA_EXTRA_CLASSPATHS`` environmental variable. If using maven you can simply package them in a folder under ``src/main/resources/geomesa-convert-scripts/`` which will create a folder in your jar file named ``geomesa-convert-scripts`` with the scripts inside. You can manually create a jar with this folder as well. An easier way is often to package them as a zip archive with a folder similary named ``geomesa-convert-scripts`` inside the archive containing the scripts: .. code-block:: bash $ unzip -l /tmp/scripts.zip Archive: /tmp/scripts.zip Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 0 2017-03-09 11:33 geomesa-convert-scripts/ 42 2017-03-09 11:33 geomesa-convert-scripts/my-script.js --------- ------- 42 2 files For either zip or jar files add them to the extra classpaths in your environment to make them available for the tools or map-reduce ingest: .. code-block:: bash GEOMESA_EXTRA_CLASSPATHS="/path/to/my-scripts.jar:/tmp/scripts.zip" A example of ingest with a scripts on the classpath is below: .. code-block:: bash GEOMESA_EXTRA_CLASSPATHS="/tmp/scripts.zip:/path/to/my-scripts.jar" bin/geomesa-accumulo ingest -u -p -s -C -c geomesa.catalog hdfs://localhost:9000/data/example.csv You can also verify the classpath is properly configured with the tools: .. code-block:: bash GEOMESA_EXTRA_CLASSPATHS="/tmp/scripts.zip:/path/to/my-scripts.jar" bin/geomesa-accumulo classpath CQL Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of the basic CQL functions are available as transformations. To use one, invoke it like a regular function, prefixed with the ``cql`` namespace. For example, you can use the CQL buffer function to turn a point into a polygon: :: cql:buffer($1, 2.0) For more information on the various CQL functions, see the GeoServer `filter function reference `__. JSON/Avro Transformations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See :ref:`json_converter_functions` and :ref:`avro_converter_functions`. Enrichment Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The converter framework provides a mechanism for setting an attribute based on a lookup from a cache. The cache can be a literal cache in the system or in an external system such as Redis. - ``cacheLookup``