Using the Lambda Data Store Programmatically ============================================ Creating a Data Store --------------------- An instance of a Lambda data store can be obtained through the normal GeoTools discovery methods, assuming that the GeoMesa code is on the classpath: .. code-block:: java Map parameters = new HashMap<>; parameters.put("", "myInstance"); parameters.put("lambda.accumulo.zookeepers", "zoo1,zoo2,zoo3"); parameters.put("lambda.accumulo.user", "myUser"); parameters.put("lambda.accumulo.password", "myPassword"); parameters.put("lambda.accumulo.tableName", "my_table"); parameters.put("lambda.kafka.brokers", "kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092"); parameters.put("lambda.kafka.zookeepers", "zoo1,zoo2,zoo3"); parameters.put("lambda.expiry", "10 minutes"); dataStore =; More information on using GeoTools can be found in the `GeoTools user guide `_. .. _lambda_parameters: Lambda Data Store Parameters ---------------------------- The data store takes several parameters (required parameters are marked with ``*``): ====================================== ======= ================================================================================================== Parameter Type Description ====================================== ======= ================================================================================================== `` *`` String The instance ID of the Accumulo installation ``lambda.accumulo.zookeepers *`` String A comma separated list of zookeeper servers (e.g. "zoo1,zoo2,zoo3" or "localhost:2181") ``lambda.accumulo.catalog *`` String The name of the GeoMesa catalog table ``lambda.accumulo.user *`` String Accumulo username ``lambda.accumulo.password`` String Accumulo password ``lambda.accumulo.keytab.path`` String Path to a Kerberos keytab file containing an entry for the specified user ``lambda.accumulo.mock`` Boolean Use a mock connection (for testing) ``lambda.kafka.brokers *`` String A comma separated list of kafka brokers (e.g. ``broker1:9092,broker2:9092``) ``lambda.kafka.zookeepers *`` String A comma separated list of zookeeper servers (e.g. ``zoo1,zoo2,zoo3`` or ``localhost:2181``) ``lambda.kafka.partitions`` Integer Number of partitions used to create new topics. You should generally set this to the number of writer instances you plan to run ``lambda.kafka.consumers`` Integer Number of consumers used to load data into the in-memory cache ``lambda.kafka.producer.options`` String Java-properties-formatted string that is passed directly to the Kafka producer. See `Producer Configs `_ ``lambda.kafka.consumer.options`` String Java-properties-formatted string that is passed directly to the Kafka consumer. See `New Consumer Configs `_ ``lambda.expiry *`` String A duration for how long features are kept in memory before being persisted (e.g. ``10 minutes``). Using ``Inf`` will cause the data store to not participate in persisting expired entries ``lambda.persist`` Boolean Whether expired features should be persisted to Accumulo or just discarded ```` String Comma-delimited superset of authorizations that will be used for queries via Accumulo ```` Boolean Forces authorizations to be empty ```` String Class name for an ``AuthorizationsProvider`` implementation ```` String Visibilities to apply to all written data ``geomesa.query.audit`` Boolean Audit queries being run. Queries will be stored in a ``_queries`` table ``geomesa.query.timeout`` String The max time a query will be allowed to run before being killed. The timeout is specified as a duration, e.g. ``1 minute`` or ``60 seconds`` ``geomesa.query.threads`` Integer The number of threads to use per query ``geomesa.query.loose-bounding-box`` Boolean Use loose bounding boxes - queries will be faster but may return extraneous results ``accumulo.query.record-threads`` Integer The number of threads to use for record retrieval ``accumulo.write.threads`` Integer The number of threads to use for writing records ``geomesa.stats.generate`` Boolean Toggle collection of statistics for newly created feature types ``geomesa.query.caching`` Boolean Toggle caching of results ====================================== ======= ================================================================================================== Note: one (but not both) of ``lambda.accumulo.password`` and ``lambda.accumulo.keytab.path`` must be provided.