Additional Index Implementations ================================ GeoMesa supports additional index formats at runtime, using `Java service providers `__. To add a new index, implement ``org.locationtech.geomesa.index.api.GeoMesaFeatureIndexFactory`` and register your class under ``META-INF/services``, as described in the `Java documentation `__. Once an index is registered, it can be enabled through the ``SimpleFeatureType`` user data, as described in :ref:`customizing_index_creation`. Some additional indices are provided out-of-the-box: S2/S3 Index ----------- The S2 and S3 indices are based on the `S2 library `__: .. pull-quote:: The S2 library represents all data on a three-dimensional sphere (similar to a globe). This makes it possible to build a worldwide geographic database with no seams or singularities, using a single coordinate system, and with low distortion everywhere compared to the true shape of the Earth. The S2 index is a spatial index, identified by the name ``s2``. The S3 index is a composite spatial and time index, identified by the name ``s3``. The default time period for the S3 index can be configured through the user data key ``geomesa.s3.interval`` (see :ref:`customizing_z_index` for reference).