Tutorials ========= Not sure where to begin? Take a look at :doc:`/user/getting_started`. Quick Starts ------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 geomesa-quickstart-hbase geomesa-quickstart-accumulo geomesa-quickstart-cassandra geomesa-quickstart-kafka geomesa-quickstart-redis geomesa-quickstart-fsds geomesa-quickstart-kudu geomesa-quickstart-lambda geomesa-quickstart-nifi Installation ------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 geomesa-hbase-s3-on-aws geomesa-hbase-on-cdh geomesa-fs-on-azure Data In/Out ----------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 geomesa-examples-gdelt geomesa-examples-transformations geomesa-examples-avro geomesa-quickstart-storm .. _tutorials_analytics: Data Analysis ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 spark broadcast-join dwithin-join geomesa-tubeselect .. _accumulo_tutorials_security: Security -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 geomesa-examples-authorizations geomesa-examples-featurelevelvis Indexing and Queries -------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 geohash-substrings .. _tutorial_versions: About Tutorial Versions ----------------------- The tutorials listed in this manual can be obtained from GitHub, by cloning the `geomesa-tutorials`_ project: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone https://github.com/geomesa/geomesa-tutorials.git $ cd geomesa-tutorials Keep in mind that you should download or checkout the release version corresponding to the GeoMesa version you are using: .. code-block:: bash $ git checkout tags/geomesa-tutorials-$TUTORIAL_VERSION In general, the major, minor, and patch version numbers of the tutorials release will match the corresponding numbers of the GeoMesa version. The tutorials version contains a fourth digit number permitting multiple releases per GeoMesa release. You may also see the releases available, and download them directly from the `geomesa-tutorials releases page`_. .. _geomesa-tutorials: https://github.com/geomesa/geomesa-tutorials/ .. _geomesa-tutorials releases page: https://github.com/geomesa/geomesa-tutorials/releases Hadoop Version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Most of the tutorials encourage you to update the ``pom.xml`` to match the versions of the services you are using (Hadoop, ZooKeeper, Accumulo, etc.) However, there may be issues when incrementing the Hadoop version to 2.6 or above, which can result in Apache Curator version conflicts. Leaving the Hadoop version set to 2.2 in the tutorials ``pom.xml`` will work with all subsequent Hadoop 2.X releases.