GeoMesa Development =================== This chapter describes how to build GeoMesa from source and provides an overview of the process of developing GeoMesa. Using Maven ----------- The GeoMesa project uses `Apache Maven `__ as a build tool. The Maven project's `Maven in 5 Minutes `__ provides a quick introduction to getting started with its ``mvn`` executable. .. _building_from_source: Building from Source -------------------- These development tools are required: * `Java JDK 8`_ * `Apache Maven `__ |maven_version| * A ``git`` `client `__ The GeoMesa source distribution may be cloned from GitHub: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone $ cd geomesa This downloads the latest development version. To check out the code for the latest stable release (``$VERSION`` = |release_version_literal|): .. code-block:: bash $ git checkout tags/geomesa-$VERSION -b geomesa-$VERSION Building and dependency management for GeoMesa is handled by `Maven `__. The Maven ``pom.xml`` file in the root directory of the source distribution contains a list of dependent libraries that will be bundled together for each module of the program. Build using the ``mvn`` executable: .. code-block:: bash $ mvn clean install The `skipTests` property may be used to reduce build time, as it omits the test phase of the build process: .. code-block:: bash $ mvn clean install -DskipTests To compile for Google Bigtable, use the ``bigtable`` profile: .. code-block:: bash $ mvn clean install -Pbigtable The ``build/mvn`` script is a wrapper around Maven that builds the project using the `Zinc `__ incremental compiler: .. code-block:: bash $ build/mvn clean install -DskipTests Scala ----- For the most part, GeoMesa is written in `Scala `__, and is compiled with Scala 2.11.7. Using the Scala Console ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To test and interact with core functionality, the Scala console can be invoked in a couple of ways. For example, by running this command in the root source directory: .. code-block:: bash $ mvn scala:console -pl geomesa-accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-datastore The Scala console will start, and all of the project packages in ``geomesa-accumulo-datastore`` will be loaded along with ``JavaConverters``. GeoMesa Project Structure ------------------------- * **geomesa-accumulo**: ``DataStore`` implementation for Apache Accumulo * **geomesa-archetypes**: Template modules for Maven builds * **geomesa-arrow**: Apache Arrow integration and ``DataStore`` implementation * **geomesa-bigtable**: ``DataStore`` implementation for Google Bigtable * **geomesa-cassandra**: ``DataStore`` implementation for Apache Cassandra * **geomesa-convert**: Configurable and extensible library for converting arbitrary data into ``SimpleFeature``\ s * **geomesa-features**: Custom implementations and serialization of ``SimpleFeature``\ s * **geomesa-filter**: Library for manipulating and working with GeoTools ``Filter``\ s * **geomesa-fs**: ``DataStore`` implementation for flat files * **geomesa-geojson**: API and REST-ful web service for working directly with GeoJSON * **geomesa-hbase**: ``DataStore`` implementation for Apache HBase * **geomesa-index-api**: Core indexing and ``DataStore`` code * **geomesa-jobs**: Map/reduce integration * **geomesa-jupyter**: Jupyter notebook integration * **geomesa-kafka**: ``DataStore`` implementation for Apache Kafka, for near-real-time streaming data * **geomesa-lambda**: ``DataStore`` implementation that seamlessly uses Kafka for frequent updates and Accumulo for long-term persistence * **geomesa-memory**: In-memory indexing code * **geomesa-process**: Analytic processes optimized for GeoMesa stores * **geomesa-security**: API for managing security and authorization levels in GeoMesa * **geomesa-spark**: Apache Spark integration * **geomesa-stream**: ``DataStore`` implementation that reads features from arbitrary URLs * **geomesa-tools**: Command-line tools for ingesting, querying and managing data in GeoMesa * **geomesa-utils**: Common utility code * **geomesa-web**: REST-ful web services for integrating with GeoMesa * **geomesa-z3**: Z3 space-filling-curve implementation * **geomesa-zk-utils**: Zookeeper utility code