15.1. Installing GeoMesa Accumulo


GeoMesa currently supports Accumulo versions 2.0.1 and 2.1.


The examples below expect a version to be set in the environment:

$ export TAG="5.1.0"
$ export VERSION="2.12-${TAG}" # note: 2.12 is the Scala build version

15.1.1. Installing from the Binary Distribution

GeoMesa Accumulo artifacts are available for download or can be built from source. The easiest way to get started is to download the most recent binary version from GitHub.

Download and extract it somewhere convenient:

# download and unpackage the most recent distribution:
$ wget "https://github.com/locationtech/geomesa/releases/download/geomesa-${TAG}/geomesa-accumulo_${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz"
$ tar xvf geomesa-accumulo_${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz
$ cd geomesa-accumulo_${VERSION}

15.1.2. Building from Source

GeoMesa Accumulo may also be built from source. For more information, refer to the instructions on GitHub. The remainder of the instructions in this chapter assume the use of the binary GeoMesa Accumulo distribution. If you have built from source, the distribution is created in the target directory of geomesa-accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-dist.

15.1.3. Installing the Accumulo Distributed Runtime Library

The geomesa-accumulo_$VERSION/dist/accumulo/ directory contains the distributed runtime JAR that contains server-side code for Accumulo that must be made available on each of the Accumulo tablet servers in the cluster. This JAR contains GeoMesa code and the Accumulo iterators required for querying GeoMesa data.

The version of the distributed runtime JAR must match the version of the GeoMesa data store client JAR (usually installed in GeoServer; see below). If not, queries might not work correctly or at all. Namespace Install


GeoMesa 4.0.x is not compatible with Accumulo namespace installs. Upgrade to GeoMesa 5.0.0 or later in order to use namespace installs.

GeoMesa leverages namespaces and classpath contexts to isolate the GeoMesa classpath from the rest of Accumulo.

To install the distributed runtime JAR, first copy it into HDFS:

$ hadoop fs -mkdir /accumulo/classpath/myNamespace
$ hadoop fs -put \
  geomesa-accumulo_${VERSION}/dist/accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-distributed-runtime_${VERSION}.jar \

Then configure the namespace classpath through the Accumulo shell:

$ accumulo shell -u root

Once in the shell:

> createnamespace myNamespace
> grant NameSpace.CREATE_TABLE -ns myNamespace -u myUser
> config -s general.vfs.context.classpath.myNamespace=hdfs://NAME_NODE_FDQN:9000/accumulo/classpath/myNamespace/[^.].*.jar
> config -ns myNamespace -s table.classpath.context=myNamespace


The path above is just an example; you can included nested folders with project names, version numbers, and other information in order to have different versions of GeoMesa on the same Accumulo instance. You should remove any GeoMesa JARs under $ACCUMULO_HOME/lib/ to prevent classpath conflicts.


When connecting to a data store using Accumulo namespaces, you must prefix the accumulo.catalog parameter with the namespace. For example, refer to the my_catalog table as myNamespace.my_catalog. System Install


This approach is not recommended, as the GeoMesa classes will be on the global Accumulo classpath, and may conflict with other custom JARs installed in Accumulo. In addition, upgrading GeoMesa versions will require an Accumulo restart.

Alternatively, the GeoMesa runtime JAR can be copied into the $ACCUMULO_HOME/lib/ folder on each tablet server.


In Accumulo versions prior to 2.1, the JAR should be copied into $ACCUMULO_HOME/lib/ext/ instead.

$ for tserver in $(cat $ACCUMULO_HOME/conf/tservers); do \
    scp dist/accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-distributed-runtime_${VERSION}.jar \
    $tserver:$ACCUMULO_HOME/lib/; done

15.1.4. Setting up the Accumulo Command Line Tools


To use the Accumulo data store with the command line tools, you need to install the distributed runtime first. See Installing the Accumulo Distributed Runtime Library.

GeoMesa comes with a set of command line tools for managing Accumulo features located in geomesa-accumulo_${VERSION}/bin/ of the binary distribution.

GeoMesa requires java to be available on the default path. Configuring the Classpath

GeoMesa needs Accumulo and Hadoop JARs on the classpath. These are not bundled by default, as they should match the versions installed on the target system.

If the environment variables ACCUMULO_HOME and HADOOP_HOME are set, then GeoMesa will load the appropriate JARs and configuration files from those locations and no further configuration is required. Otherwise, you will be prompted to download the appropriate JARs the first time you invoke the tools. Environment variables can be specified in conf/*-env.sh and dependency versions can be specified in conf/dependencies.sh.

In order to run map/reduce jobs, the Hadoop *-site.xml configuration files from your Hadoop installation must be on the classpath. If HADOOP_HOME is not set, then copy them into geomesa-accumulo_${VERSION}/conf.

GeoMesa also provides the ability to add additional JARs to the classpath using the environmental variable $GEOMESA_EXTRA_CLASSPATHS. GeoMesa will prepend the contents of this environmental variable to the computed classpath, giving it highest precedence in the classpath. Users can provide directories of jar files or individual files using a colon (:) as a delimiter. These entries will also be added the the map-reduce libjars variable.

Due to licensing restrictions, dependencies for shape file support must be separately installed. Do this with the following command:

$ ./bin/install-shapefile-support.sh

For logging, see Logging Configuration for information about configuring the SLF4J implementation.

Use the geomesa-accumulo classpath command to print the final classpath that will be used when executing GeoMesa commands. Running Commands

Test the command that invokes the GeoMesa Tools:

$ geomesa-accumulo

The output should look like this:

Usage: geomesa-accumulo [command] [command options]

For details on the available commands, see Accumulo Command-Line Tools.

15.1.5. Installing GeoMesa Accumulo in GeoServer


See GeoServer Versions to ensure that GeoServer is compatible with your GeoMesa version. Installing GeoServer

As described in GeoMesa and GeoServer, GeoMesa implements a GeoTools-compatible data store. This makes it possible to use GeoMesa Accumulo as a data store in GeoServer. GeoServer’s web site includes installation instructions for GeoServer.

After GeoServer is running, you may optionally install the WPS plugin. The GeoServer WPS Plugin must match the version of your GeoServer instance. The GeoServer website includes instructions for downloading and installing the WPS plugin.


If using Tomcat as a web server, it will most likely be necessary to pass some custom options:

export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xmx8g -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -Duser.timezone=UTC \
-server -Djava.awt.headless=true"

The value of -Xmx should be as large as your system will permit. Be sure to restart Tomcat for changes to take place. Installing the GeoMesa Accumulo Data Store

To install the GeoMesa data store, extract the contents of the geomesa-accumulo-gs-plugin_${VERSION}-install.tar.gz file in geomesa-accumulo_${VERSION}/dist/gs-plugins/ in the binary distribution or geomesa-accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-gs-plugin/target/ in the source distribution into your GeoServer’s lib directory:

$ tar -xzvf \
  geomesa-accumulo_${VERSION}/dist/gs-plugins/geomesa-accumulo-gs-plugin_${VERSION}-install.tar.gz \
  -C /path/to/geoserver/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib

Next, install the JARs for Accumulo and Hadoop. By default, JARs will be downloaded from Maven central. You may override this by setting the environment variable GEOMESA_MAVEN_URL. If you do no have an internet connection you can download the JARs manually.

Edit the file geomesa-accumulo_${VERSION}/conf/dependencies.sh to set the versions of Accumulo and Hadoop to match the target environment, and then run the script:

$ ./bin/install-dependencies.sh /path/to/geoserver/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib

Restart GeoServer after the JARs are installed. Install GeoMesa Processes

GeoMesa provides some WPS processes, such as geomesa:Density which is used to generate heat maps. In order to use these processes, install the GeoServer WPS plugin as described in GeoMesa Processes.

15.1.6. Upgrading

To upgrade between minor releases of GeoMesa, the versions of all GeoMesa components must match. This means that the version of the geomesa-distributed-runtime JAR installed on Accumulo tablet servers must match the version of the geomesa-plugin JARs installed in the WEB-INF/lib directory of GeoServer.

See Upgrade Guide for more details on upgrading between versions.