15.1. Installing GeoMesa HBase¶
GeoMesa currently supports HBase versions 2.6.
The examples below expect a version to be set in the environment:
$ export TAG="5.2.0" $ export VERSION="2.12-${TAG}" # note: 2.12 is the Scala build version
GeoMesa supports traditional HBase installations as well as HBase running on Amazon’s EMR , Hortonworks’ Data Platform (HDP), and the Cloudera Distribution of Hadoop (CDH). For details on bootstrapping an EMR cluster, see Bootstrapping GeoMesa HBase on AWS S3. For details on deploying to Cloudera CDH, see Deploying GeoMesa HBase on Cloudera CDH 5.X.
15.1.1. Installing the Binary Distribution¶
GeoMesa HBase artifacts are available for download or can be built from source. The easiest way to get started is to download the most recent binary version from GitHub.
Download and extract it somewhere convenient:
# download and unpackage the most recent distribution:
$ wget "https://github.com/locationtech/geomesa/releases/download/geomesa-${TAG}/geomesa-hbase_${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz"
$ tar xvf geomesa-hbase_${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz
$ cd geomesa-hbase_${VERSION}
15.1.2. Building from Source¶
GeoMesa HBase may also be built from source. For more information, refer to the instructions on
The remainder of the instructions in this chapter assume the use of the binary GeoMesa HBase
distribution. If you have built from source, the distribution is created in the target
directory of
15.1.3. Installing the GeoMesa Distributed Runtime JAR¶
GeoMesa uses custom HBase filters and coprocessors to speed up queries.
You must deploy the distributed runtime jar to the directory specified by the HBase configuration variable
. This is set to ${hbase.rootdir}/lib
by default. Copy the distribute runtime jar to
this directory as follows:
$ hadoop fs -put ${GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME}/dist/hbase/geomesa-hbase-distributed-runtime-hbase2_${VERSION}.jar ${hbase.dynamic.jars.dir}/
If running on top of Amazon S3, you will need to use the aws s3
command line tool.
$ aws s3 cp ${GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME}/dist/hbase/geomesa-hbase-distributed-runtime-hbase2_${VERSION}.jar s3://${hbase.dynamic.jars.dir}/
If required, you may disable distributed processing by setting the system property geomesa.hbase.remote.filtering
to false
. Note that this may have an adverse effect on performance. Register the Coprocessors¶
Assuming that you have installed the distributed runtime JAR under hbase.dynamic.jars.dir
, coprocessors will be
registered automatically when you call createSchema
on a data store. Alternatively, the coprocessors may be
registered manually. See Manual Coprocessors Registration for details.
For more information on managing coprocessors see Coprocessor Introduction on Apache’s Blog.
15.1.4. Setting up the HBase Command Line Tools¶
To use the HBase data store with the command line tools, you need to install the distributed runtime first. See Installing the GeoMesa Distributed Runtime JAR.
GeoMesa comes with a set of command line tools for managing HBase features located in
of the binary distribution.
GeoMesa requires java
to be available on the default path. Configuring the Classpath¶
GeoMesa needs HBase and Hadoop JARs on the classpath. These are not bundled by default, as they should match the versions installed on the target system.
If the environment variables HBASE_HOME
are set, then GeoMesa will load the appropriate
JARs and configuration files from those locations and no further configuration is required. Otherwise, you will
be prompted to download the appropriate JARs the first time you invoke the tools. Environment variables can be
specified in conf/*-env.sh
and dependency versions can be specified in conf/dependencies.sh
For advanced scenarios, the environmental variables GEOMESA_HADOOP_CLASSPATH
can be set to override all other logic.
If no environment variables are set but the hbase
and hadoop
commands are available, then
GeoMesa will interrogate them for their classpaths by running the hadoop classpath
and hbase classpath
commands. Note that this can be slow, so it is usually better to use GEOMESA_HADOOP_CLASSPATH
as described above.
Configure GeoMesa to use pre-installed HBase and Hadoop distributions:
$ export HADOOP_HOME=/path/to/hadoop
$ export HBASE_HOME=/path/to/hbase
$ export GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME=/opt/geomesa
$ export PATH="${PATH}:${GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME}/bin"
When using EMR to install HBase or Hadoop there are AWS specific jars that need to be used (e.g. EMR FS). It is recommended to use EMR to install Hadoop and/or HBase in order to properly configure and install these dependencies (especially when using HBase on S3).
If you used EMR to install Hadoop and HBase, you can view their classpaths using the hadoop classpath
hbase classpath
commands to build an appropriate classpath to include jars and configuration files for
GeoMesa HBase:
$ export GEOMESA_HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$(hadoop classpath)
$ export GEOMESA_HBASE_CLASSPATH=$(hbase classpath)
$ export GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME=/opt/geomesa
$ export PATH="${PATH}:${GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME}/bin"
Configure the environment to use an HDP install:
$ export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/
$ export HBASE_HOME=/usr/hdp/current/hbase-client/
$ export GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME=/opt/geomesa
$ export PATH="${PATH}:${GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME}/bin"
If there is no local HBase instance, the necessary JARs can be installed by downloading them. Modify the
version numbers in geomesa-hbase_${VERSION}/conf/dependencies.sh
to match the target system and use
to install them:
$ cd geomesa-hbase_${VERSION}/bin
$ ./install-dependencies.sh
In order to connect to a cluster, an appropriate hbase-site.xml
is required. Copy it from your cluster
into geomesa-hbase_${VERSION}/conf/
In order to run map/reduce jobs, copy the Hadoop *-site.xml
configuration files
from your Hadoop installation into geomesa-hbase_${VERSION}/conf
In order to run map/reduce and Spark jobs, you will need to put hbase-site.xml
into a JAR on the distributed
classpath. Add it at the root level of the geomesa-hbase-datastore
JAR in the lib
$ zip -r lib/geomesa-hbase-datastore_${VERSION}.jar hbase-site.xml
Ensure that the hbase-site.xml
is at the root (top) level of your JAR, otherwise it will not be picked up.
GeoMesa also provides the ability to add additional JARs to the classpath using the environmental variable
. GeoMesa will prepend the contents of this environmental variable to the computed
classpath, giving it highest precedence in the classpath. Users can provide directories of jar files or individual
files using a colon (:
) as a delimiter. These entries will also be added the the map-reduce libjars variable.
Due to licensing restrictions, dependencies for shape file support must be separately installed. Do this with the following command:
$ ./bin/install-shapefile-support.sh
For logging, see Logging Configuration for information about configuring the SLF4J implementation.
Use the geomesa-hbase classpath
command to print the final classpath that will be used when executing GeoMesa
commands. Configuring the Path¶
In order to be able to run the geomesa-hbase
command from anywhere, you can set the environment
and add it to your path by modifying your bashrc file:
$ echo 'export GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME=/path/to/geomesa-hbase_${VERSION}' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'export PATH=${GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME}/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ which geomesa-hbae Running Commands¶
Test the command that invokes the GeoMesa Tools:
$ geomesa-hbase
The output should look like this:
Usage: geomesa-hbase [command] [command options]
For details on the available commands, see HBase Command-Line Tools.
15.1.5. Installing GeoMesa HBase in GeoServer¶
See GeoServer Versions to ensure that GeoServer is compatible with your GeoMesa version.
The HBase GeoServer plugin is bundled by default in a GeoMesa binary distribution. To install, extract
into GeoServer’s
This distribution does not include the HBase client, Hadoop or Zookeeper JARs. These JARs can be installed
using the bin/install-dependencies.sh
script included in the binary distribution. Before
running, set the version numbers in conf/dependencies.sh
to match your target installation as needed.
The HBase data store requires the configuration file hbase-site.xml
to be on the classpath. This can
be accomplished by placing the file in geoserver/WEB-INF/classes
(you should make the directory if it
doesn’t exist).
Restart GeoServer after the JARs are installed.
15.1.6. Connecting to External HBase Clusters Backed By S3¶
To use a EMR cluster to connect to an existing, external HBase Cluster first follow the above instructions to setup the new cluster and install GeoMesa.
The next step is to obtain the hbase-site.xml
for the external HBase Cluster, copy to the new EMR cluster and
copy it into ${GEOMESA_HBASE_HOME}/conf
. At this point you may run the geomesa-hbase
command line tools.
In order to run Spark or Map/Reduce jobs, ensure that hbase-site.xml
is zipped into a JAR, as described above.
15.1.7. Configuring HBase on Azure HDInsight¶
HDInsight generally creates HBASE_HOME
in HDFS under the path /hbase
. In order to make the GeoMesa
coprocessors and filters available to the region servers, use the hadoop
filesystem command to put
the GeoMesa JAR there:
hadoop fs -mkdir /hbase/lib
hadoop fs -put geomesa-hbase-distributed-runtime-hbase2-$VERSION.jar /hbase/lib/