9.1. Installing GeoMesa Bigtable

9.1.1. Building from Source

GeoMesa BigTable must be built from source. For more information refer to Building from Source in the developer manual, or to the README.md file in the the source distribution. Build using using the bigtable Maven profile:

$ mvn clean install -Pbigtable

The Bigtable-specific code will be found in the geomesa-hbase/geomesa-bigtable-* directories of the source distribution.

More information about developing with GeoMesa may be found in the Developer Manual.

9.1.2. Installing GeoMesa Bigtable in GeoServer

The Bigtable GeoServer plugin is not bundled by default in the GeoMesa binary distribution and should be built from source.

After building, extract geomesa-hbase/geomesa-bigtable-gs-plugin/target/geomesa-bigtable-gs-plugin_2.11-$VERSION-install.tar.gz into GeoServer’s WEB-INF/lib directory. This distribution does not include HBase or Hadoop JARs; the following JARs should be copied into GeoServer’s WEB-INF/lib directory:

  • commons-configuration-1.6.jar
  • hadoop-annotations-2.5.2.jar
  • hadoop-auth-2.5.2.jar
  • hadoop-client-2.5.2.jar
  • hadoop-common-2.5.2.jar
  • hadoop-hdfs-2.5.2.jar
  • hbase-annotations-1.1.2.jar
  • hbase-client-1.2.3.jar
  • hbase-common-1.2.3.jar
  • hbase-hadoop2-compat-1.1.2.jar
  • hbase-hadoop-compat-1.1.2.jar
  • hbase-prefix-tree-1.1.2.jar
  • hbase-procedure-1.1.2.jar
  • hbase-protocol-1.2.3.jar
  • hbase-server-1.1.2.jar

(Note the versions may vary depending on your installation.)

The Bigtable data store requires the configuration file hbase-site.xml to be on the classpath. This can be accomplished by placing the file in geoserver/WEB-INF/classes (you should make the directory if it doesn’t exist). For more information, see Connecting to Cloud Bigtable.

Restart GeoServer after the JARs are installed. Jackson Version


Some GeoMesa functions (in particular Arrow conversion) requires jackson-core-2.6.x. Some versions of GeoServer ship with an older version, jackson-core-2.5.0.jar. After installing the GeoMesa GeoServer plugin, be sure to delete the older JAR from GeoServer’s WEB-INF/lib folder.