GeoDocker: Local GeoMesa Accumulo

Getting started with spatio-temporal analysis with GeoMesa and Accumulo is incredibly simple, thanks to the GeoDocker-GeoMesa project. The following guide describes how to bootstrap a GeoMesa Accumulo cluster on your local machine using Docker in order to ingest and query some sample data.


Before you begin, you must have the following installed and configured:

Bootstrap the cluster

Pre-built images are available on

To create a GeoMesa Accumulo instance, clone the GeoDocker-GeoMesa project:

$ git clone

Execute the following commands:

$ cd geodocker-geomesa/geodocker-accumulo-geomesa
$ docker-compose up

This will create a small cluster consisting of HDFS, Zookeeper, Accumulo and GeoServer. The GeoMesa distributed-runtime jar is installed in the Accumulo classpath. The GeoMesa command line tools are installed in the Accumulo master instance under /opt/geomesa/.

Accumulo is available on the standard ports, and GeoServer is available on port 9090.

Quick Start

To connect to the Accumulo master instance, run:

$ docker exec -ti geodockeraccumulogeomesa_accumulo-master_1 /usr/bin/bash

To ingest some sample data, use the GeoMesa command line tools:

$ cd /opt/geomesa/bin
$ ./geomesa ingest -C example-csv -c example -u root -p GisPwd -s example-csv ../examples/ingest/csv/example.csv

To export data:

$ ./geomesa export -c example -u root -p GisPwd -f example-csv

To view data in GeoServer, go to http://localhost:9090/geoserver/web, login with admin:geoserver, click ‘Stores’ in the left gutter, then ‘Add new store’, then Accumulo (GeoMesa). Use the following parameters:

  • instanceId = accumulo
  • zookeepers = zookeeper
  • user = root
  • password = GisPwd
  • tableName = example (from the ingest command above)

Click ‘save’. You should see the ‘example-csv’ layer available to publish.