11.6. Data Consumers

A GeoMesa Kafka data store in consumer mode reads feature data written to Kafka (by a separate GeoMesa Kafka producer). The store supports two types of SimpleFeatureSource’s: live and replay. A Kafka Consumer Feature Source operating in live mode continually pulls data from the end of the message queue (e.g. latest time) and always represents the latest state of the simple features; autoOffsetReset can be set to smallest to read from the beginning of the the message queue. A Kafka Consumer Feature Source operating in replay mode will pull data from a specified time interval in the past and can provide features as they existed at any point in time within that interval.

First, create the data store. For example:

String brokers = ...
String zookeepers = ...
String zkPath = ...

// build parameters map
Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("brokers", brokers);
params.put("zookeepers", zookeepers);

// optional - the default is false
params.put("isProducer", Boolean.FALSE);

// optional
params.put("zkPath", zkPath);

// optional - can be set to "smallest" to read from the beginning of the message queue
params.put("autoOffsetReset", "largest");

// create the data store
KafkaDataStoreFactory factory = new KafkaDataStoreFactory();
DataStore consumerDs = factory.createDataStore(params);

The brokers, zookeepers, and zkPath parameters must be consistent with the values used to create the Kafka Data Store Producer.

Because createSchema was called on the Kafka Data Store Producer, it does not need to be called on the Consumer. Calling createSchema with a SimpleFeatureType that has already been created will result in an exception being thrown. Note that all SimpleFeatures returned by the Kafka Data Store consumer will have a SimpleFeatureType equal to the streamingSFT created when setting up the producer, i.e. the SimpleFeatureType will include the hint added by KafkaDataStoreHelper.createStreamingSFT.

Now that the Kafka Data Store Consumer has been created it can be queried in either live or replay mode.

11.6.1. Live Mode

Live mode is the default and requires no extra setup. In this mode the SimpleFeatureSource contains the current state of the KafkaDataStore. As SimpleFeatures are created, modified, deleted, or cleared by the Kafka Data Store Producer, the current state is updated. All queries to the SimpleFeatureSource are queries against the current state. For example:

String typeName = ...
SimpleFeatureSource liveFeatureSource = consumerDs.getFeatureSource(typeName);

Filter filter = ...

It is also possible to provide a CQL filter to the getFeatureSource method call which will ensure the resulting FeatureSource only contains certain records. Providing a filter to reduce the number of returned records will provide a performance boost when using the featureSource.

String typeName = ...
SimpleFeatureSource liveFeatureSource = consumerDs.getFeatureSource(typeName, filter);

11.6.2. Replay Mode

Replay mode allows the a user to query the KafkaDataStore as it existed at any point in the past. Queries against a Kafka Replay Simple Feature source specify a historical time to query and only the set and version of SimpleFeatures that existed at that point in time will be used to answer the query.

In order to use Replay mode some additional hints are required: the start and end times of the replay window and a read behind duration:

Instant replayStart = ...
Instant replayEnd = ...
Duration readBehind = ...
ReplayConfig replayConfig = new ReplayConfig(replayStart, replayEnd, readBehind);

The replay window is simply an optimization that allows the Kafka Replay Feature Source to load, at initialization time, all state changes that occur within the window. Any query for a time outside of the window will return no results even if features existed at that time.

The read behind is the amount of time used to rebuild state. For example, if readBehind = 5s then for a query requesting state at time = t all state changes that occurred between t - 5s and t will be used to build the state at time t which will then be used to answer the query. Selecting an appropriate read behind requires an understanding of the producer. The expected use case is a producer that updates every simple feature, even if it hasn’t changed, at a regular interval. For example, if the producer is updating every x seconds then a read behind of x + 1s might be appropriate.

During initialization of the Kafka Replay Feature Source all state changes from replayStart - readBehind to replayEnd will be read and cached. As the size of the replay window and read behind increases so does the amount of data that must be read and cashed. So, both the size of the window and the read behind should be kept as small as possible.

After creating the ReplayConfig, pass it, along with the streamingSFT, to the KafkaDataStoreHelper:

SimpleFeatureType streamingSFT = consumerDs.getSchema(typeName);
SimpleFeatureType replaySFT = KafkaDataStoreHelper.createReplaySFT(streamingSFT, replayConfig);

The streamingSFT passed to createReplaySFT must contain the hints added by KafkaDataStoreHelper.createStreamingSFT. The easiest way to ensure this is to call consumerDs.getSchema(typeName). The SimpleFeatureType returned by createReplaySFT will contain the hint added by createStreamingSFT as well as a a hint containing the ReplayConfig. Additionally the replaySFT will have a different name than streamingSFT. This is to differentiate live and replay SimpleFeatureTypes. The replaySFT will also contain an additional attribute, KafkaLogTime, of type java.util.Date which represents the historical query time.

After creating the replaySFT the Kafka Replay Feature Source may be created:


String replayTimeName = replaySFT.getTypeName();
SimpleFeatureSource replayFeatureSource = consumerDs.getFeatureSource(replayTimeName);

The call to createSchema is required because the replaySFT is a new SimpleFeatureType.

Finally the Kafka Replay Consumer Feature Source can be queried:

Instant historicalTime = ...
Filter timeFilter = ff.and(filter, ReplayTimeHelper.toFilter(historicalTime));
