11.7. Listening for Feature Events

The GeoTools API includes a mechanism to fire off a FeatureEvent object each time that there is an “event,” which occurs when data are added, changed, or deleted in a SimpleFeatureSource. A client may implement a FeatureListener, which has a single method called changed() that is invoked each time that each FeatureEvent is fired.

Three types of messages are produced by a GeoMesa Kafka producer, which can be read by a GeoMesa Kafka consumer. For a live consumer feature source, reading each of these messages causes a FeatureEvent to be fired, as summarized in the table below:

Message read Meaning Class of event fired FeatureEvent.Type Filter
CreateOrUpdate A single feature with a given id has been added; this may be a new feature, or an update of an existing feature. KafkaFeatureEvent CHANGED IN (<id>)
Delete The feature with the given id has been removed. FeatureEvent REMOVED IN (<id>)
Clear All features have been removed. FeatureEvent REMOVED Filter.INCLUDE

For a CreateOrUpdate message, the FeatureEvent returned is actually a KafkaFeatureEvent, which subclasses FeatureEvent. KafkaFeatureEvent adds a feature() method, which returns the SimpleFeature added or updated.

To register a FeatureListener, create the SimpleFeatureSource from a live GeoMesa Kafka consumer data store, and use the addFeatureListener() method. For example, the following listener simply prints out the events it receives:

// the live consumer must be created before the producer writes features
// in order to read streaming data.
// i.e. the live consumer will only read data written after its instantiation
SimpleFeatureSource consumerFS = consumerDS.getFeatureSource(sftName);
FeatureListener listener = new FeatureListener() {
    public void changed(FeatureEvent featureEvent) {
        System.out.println("Received FeatureEvent of Type: " + featureEvent.getType());

        if (featureEvent.getType() == FeatureEvent.Type.CHANGED &&
                featureEvent instanceof KafkaFeatureEvent) {
            SimpleFeature feature = ((KafkaFeatureEvent) featureEvent).feature();

        if (featureEvent.getType() == FeatureEvent.Type.REMOVED) {
            System.out.println("Received Delete for filter: " + featureEvent.getFilter());

At cleanup time, it is important to unregister the feature listener with removeFeatureListener(). For example, for code run in a bean in GeoServer, the javax.annotation.PreDestroy annotation may be used to mark the method that does the deregistration:

public void dispose() throws Exception {
    // other cleanup