22.2. Spark Core

geomesa-spark-core is used to work directly with RDDs of features from GeoMesa and other geospatial data stores.

22.2.1. Example

The following is a complete Scala example of creating an RDD via a geospatial query against a GeoMesa data store:

// DataStore params to a hypothetical GeoMesa Accumulo table
val dsParams = Map(
  "instanceId" -> "instance",
  "zookeepers" -> "zoo1,zoo2,zoo3",
  "user"       -> "user",
  "password"   -> "*****",
  "auths"      -> "USER,ADMIN",
  "tableName"  -> "geomesa_catalog")

// set SparkContext
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("testSpark")
val sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf)

// create RDD with a geospatial query using GeoMesa functions
val spatialRDDProvider = GeoMesaSpark(dsParams)
val filter = ECQL.toFilter("CONTAINS(POLYGON((0 0, 0 90, 90 90, 90 0, 0 0)), geom)")
val query = new Query("chicago", filter)
val resultRDD = spatialRDDProvider.rdd(new Configuration, sc, dsParams, query)

// Array[org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature] = Array(
//    ScalaSimpleFeature:4, ScalaSimpleFeature:5, ScalaSimpleFeature:6,
//    ScalaSimpleFeature:7, ScalaSimpleFeature:9)

22.2.2. Configuration

geomesa-spark-core provides an API for accessing geospatial data in Spark, by defining an interface called SpatialRDDProvider. Different implementations of this interface connect to GeoMesa Accumulo, generic GeoTools-based DataStores, or data files in formats readable by the GeoMesa converter library. These different providers are described in more detail in Usage below.

To use these libraries in Spark, the shaded JAR built by the geomesa-accumulo-spark-runtime module (geomesa-accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-spark-runtime in the source distribution) contains all of the dependencies needed to run the Accumulo RDD Provider. This shaded JAR can be passed (for example) to the spark-submit command via the --jars option:

--jars file://path/to/geomesa-accumulo-spark-runtime_2.11-$VERSION.jar

or passed to Spark via the appropriate mechanism in notebook servers such as Jupyter (see Deploying GeoMesa Spark with Jupyter Notebook) or Zeppelin.

This shaded JAR should also provide the dependencies needed for the Converter RDD Provider and GeoTools RDD Provider, so these JARs may simply be added to --jars as well (though in the latter case additional JARs may be needed to implement the GeoTools data store accessed).

22.2.3. Simple Feature Serialization

To serialize RDDs of SimpleFeatures between nodes of a cluster, Spark must be configured with a Kryo serialization registrator provided in geomesa-spark-core.


Configuring Kryo serialization is not needed when running Spark in local mode, as jobs will be executed within a single JVM.

Add these two entries to $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf (or pass them as --conf arguments to spark-submit):

spark.serializer        org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
spark.kryo.registrator  org.locationtech.geomesa.spark.GeoMesaSparkKryoRegistrator


Alternatively, these may be set in the SparkConf object used to create the SparkContext:

conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
conf.set("spark.kryo.registrator", classOf[GeoMesaSparkKryoRegistrator].getName)

When using Spark in a notebook server, this will require disabling the automatic creation of a SparkContext.

After setting the configuration options, RDDs created by the GeoMesa SpatialRDDProvider implementations will be properly registered with the serializer provider.

22.2.4. Usage

The main point of entry for the functionality provided by geomesa-spark-core is the GeoMesaSpark object:

val spatialRDDProvider = GeoMesaSpark(params)

GeoMesaSpark loads a SpatialRDDProvider implementation via SPI when the appropriate JAR is included on the classpath. The implementation returned by GeoMesaSpark is chosen based on the parameters passed as an argument, as shown in the Scala code below:

// parameters to pass to the SpatialRDDProvider implementation
val params = Map(
  "param1" -> "foo",
  "param2" -> "bar")
// GeoTools Query; may be used to filter results retrieved from the data store
val query = new Query("foo")
// val query = new Query("foo", ECQL.toFilter("name like 'A%'"))
// get the RDD, using the SparkContext configured as above
val rdd = GeoMesaSpark(params).rdd(new Configuration(), sc, params, query)

22.2.5. Accumulo RDD Provider

AccumuloSpatialRDDProvider is provided by the geomesa-accumulo-spark module:

  // version, etc.

This provider generates and saves RDDs of features stored in a GeoMesa AccumuloDataStore. The configuration parameters passed to AccumuloSpatialRDDProvider are the same as those passed to AccumuloDataStoreFactory.createDataStore() or DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(). The feature to access in GeoMesa is passed as the type name of the query passed to the rdd() method. For example, to load an RDD of features of type “gdelt” from the “geomesa” Accumulo table:

val params = Map(
  "instanceId" -> "mycloud",
  "user" -> "user",
  "password" -> "password",
  "zookeepers" -> "zoo1,zoo2,zoo3",
  "tableName" -> "geomesa")
val query = new Query("gdelt")
val rdd = GeoMesaSpark(params).rdd(new Configuration(), sc, params, query)

To save features, use the save() method:

GeoMesaSpark(params).save(rdd, params, "gdelt")

22.2.6. Converter RDD Provider

ConverterSpatialRDDProvider is provided by the geomesa-spark-converter module:

  // version, etc.

ConverterSpatialRDDProvider reads features from one or more data files in formats readable by the GeoMesa Convert library, including delimited and fixed-width text, Avro, JSON, and XML files. It takes the following configuration parameters:

  • geomesa.converter - the converter definition as a Typesafe Config string
  • geomesa.converter.inputs - input file paths, comma-delimited
  • geomesa.sft - the SimpleFeatureType, as a spec string, configuration string, or environment lookup name
  • geomesa.sft.name - (optional) the name of the SimpleFeatureType

Consider the example data described in the Example Usage section of the GeoMesa Convert documentation. If the file example.csv contains the example data, and example.conf contains the Typesafe configuration file for the converter, the following Scala code can be used to load this data into an RDD:

val exampleConf = ConfigFactory.load("example.conf").root().render()
val params = Map(
  "geomesa.converter" -> exampleConf,
  "geomesa.converter.inputs" -> "example.csv",
  "geomesa.sft" -> "phrase:String,dtg:Date,geom:Point:srid=4326",
  "geomesa.sft.name" -> "example")
val query = new Query("example")
val rdd = GeoMesaSpark(params).rdd(new Configuration(), sc, params, query)

It is also possible to load the prepackaged converters for public data sources (GDELT, GeoNames, etc.) via Maven or SBT. See Prepackaged Converter Definitions for more details.


ConvertSpatialRDDProvider is read-only, and does not support writing features to data files.

22.2.7. GeoTools RDD Provider

GeoToolsSpatialRDDProvider is provided by the geomesa-spark-geotools module:

  // version, etc.

GeoToolsSpatialRDDProvider generates and saves RDDs of features stored in a generic GeoTools DataStore. The configuration parameters passed are the same as those passed to DataStoreFinder.getDataStore() to create the data store of interest, plus a required boolean parameter called “geotools” to indicate to the SPI to load GeoToolsSpatialRDDProvider. For example, the CSVDataStore described in the GeoTools ContentDataStore tutorial takes a single parameter called “file”. To use this data store with GeoMesa Spark, do the following:

val params = Map(
  "geotools" -> "true",
  "file" -> "locations.csv")
val query = new Query("locations")
val rdd = GeoMesaSpark(params).rdd(new Configuration(), sc, params, query)

The name of the feature type to access in the data store is passed as the type name of the query passed to the rdd() method. In the example of the CSVDataStore, this is the basename of the filename passed as an argument.


Do not use the GeoTools RDD provider with a GeoMesa Accumulo data store. The Accumulo RDD Provider provides additional optimizations to improve performance between Spark/SparkSQL and GeoMesa Accumulo data stores.

If both the GeoTools and Accumulo RDD providers are available on the classpath, the GeoTools provider will only be used if "geotools" -> "true" is included as a parameter, and thus should be omitted with a GeoMesa Accumulo data store.

If your data store supports it, use the save() method to save features:

GeoMesaSpark(params).save(rdd, params, "locations")